The last cookie

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Before I start I'd like to thank nezykinz for this awesome idea!

'Stefan is online'
'Bonnie is online'
'Tyler is online'
'Elena is online'
'Damon is online'
'Matt is online'
'Alaric is online'
'Caroline it online'
'Jeremy is online'

Damon:I call the last cookie!

Bonnie:Not if I take it first!

Elena:Well maybe I want it!

Jeremy:Ya my sister wants it so give it to her! You'll split it with me right?

Elena:Hell no I ain't splittin' that cookie!

Jeremy:Never mind! Don't give it to her, she's a heartless monster.

Alaric:My god guys u r all acting so childish. I thought ur parents thought u better! U know, respect ur elders so in that case it's mine.

Stefan:Well in that case I get it cause I'm older.

Damon:Actually I'm the oldest here so hand it over!


Matt:Guys I brought the cookies over so I should get the last one.

Tyler:Oh hell no. Not on my watch. And u guys seen to be forgetting on thing.

Bonnie:And what might that be? Hmmm??

Caroline:Ya Tyler. what in the world might we be forgetting?

Tyler:That I can kill u Elena Damon and Stefan in one bite. Then all I have to do is snap everyone else's neck and the cookie is mine!

Stefan:I don't think so asshole! *Stefan runs over and snaps his neck*

Elena:Thanks for the idea Damon. U with me Care?

Caroline:Hell Ya!

*Elena and Caroline snap Damon and Stefans necks*

Caroline:Ur next Elena!

Elena:What? I thought we were on a team!

Caroline:Being on a team means sharing the cookie, and I'm not sharing!

*Caroline runs over and snaps Elenas neck*

Caroline:Ahh, now the cookie is all mine.

Bonnie:Ur forgetting that there are still 4 people who can stop u.

Caroline:Shit, I forgot about u guys!

Jeremy:Ouch, that stings.

Matt:I'd say!

Bonnie:Goodbye Caroline!

*Bonnie snaps Caroline's next with her magic*

Matt:What r u gonna do with us?

Bonnie:Oh just use this new knockout spell that I learned. Bye now.

*Bonnie knocks out Alaric, Jeremy and Matt with the new spell*

Bonnie:Finally this cookie is mine!! MUHAHAHA! *takes a big bit out of the cookie but spits it back out only seconds after* Holy carp! What kind of sick joke is this? U do not fool people into thinking that a raisin cookie is a chocolate chip one! What is wrong with the world?! I just can't do this! *throws cookie on the ground and stomps out of room crying*

Thank u all so much for reading! Please vote comment and keep reading! I will try to update soon! And sorry if it's bad I'm half asleep at the moment so goodnight and l Love u all!!

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