Where's my bra?

427 14 10

Requested by TheMoonStone66 sorry it took so long, I stopped writing for awhile. Hope u like it.

'Elena is online'
'Damon is online'
'Old boyfriend #1'
'Old boyfriend #2'
'Old boyfriend #3'
'Old boyfriend #4'
'Old boyfriend #5'
'Old boyfriend #6'
'Old boyfriend #7'

Elena:have any of u seen my pink lacy bra from Victoria's Secret?

Old boyfriend #1: I remember u had it the first time we made love

Old boyfriend #2:same thing for me

Old boyfriend #3:I remember u wore it as a bikini top when u forgot one on our 4th date

Old boyfriend #4: I remember u had a red lace one and a pink one but I can't remember where I last saw them

Old boyfriend #5: I bought that one for u..

Old boyfriend #6:that bra was my fav on u *sighs dramatically and sheds a line tear*

Damon:why have all these random guys seen u in this pink bra and I haven't??

Elena:i lost it before we got together

Old boyfriend #7: it's in my bedroom...

Elena: who r u 'old boyfriend #7'?

Damon:yea who the hell r u?

Old boyfriend #7: ...

Elena:r u gonna answer us?

Old boyfriend #7: Stefan...

Damon:why the hell do u still have her bra?!

Stefan:well u see.. having her bra makes me feel like she still likes me and didn't leave me for u

Elena: um ok cool, can i have my bra back now?

Stefan: but I want to keep it:(

Damon:if u don't give it back to her, I will stab u

Stefan: fine fine jeez I'll be there in 5 minutes

Elena: thank u

'Everyone has logged out'

Sorry if it was bad and for how long it's taken me to update but i hope u guys liked it!


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