Finders keepers

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Hey guys sorry it's been so long I've had no ideas lol. Anyways I thought I would write this one cause it's my first idea in awhile so, ya! I would also like to thank all of my lovely readers for 900 reads! I never thought I would make it this far and my goal is to reach 1k so I was wondering if u guys could maybe tell ur friends to read. I'd appreciate it a lot. anyways on to the story!

'Caroline is online'
'Matt is online'
'Jeremy is online'
'Damon is online'
'Elena is online'

Elena:hey guys! What's up?


Damon:let me guess, u found Jeremy's brain?

Jeremy:hey I'm here asshole!

Elena:guys please don't get in a fight, we all know who would win

Matt:I WOULD!!!!

Damon:ha u wish idiot

Matt: -_-

Caroline: no I didn't find Jeremy's brain, although it would have been nice if I did...

Jeremy: god I'm still here guys!

Caroline:ya ya what ever, shut up and let me talk. I found...

Everyone:WHAT DID U FIND?!?

Caroline: hang on I'm getting to it

Damon: hurry up Barbie

Caroline: well if ur gonna be like that I'm not telling what I found.

Matt: come on Damon!

Jeremy:ugh why Damon WHYYYY!

Damon: shut up

Elena: come on care please tell us!

Caroline: fine I found this really pretty necklace in the woods near the old Lockwood mansion.

Damon: ... is there by any chance a pink diamond in the middle?!

Caroline:... Ya... why?

Damon: cause it's mine!

Elena: no it's not Damon.-_-

Damon: uh ya it is💁

Caroline: uh no it's mine now

Matt and Jeremy: LOL Damon has a pick necklace!! We need to go spread the news!!

'Jeremy has logged off'
'Matt has logged off'

Damon: ugh! Idiots!! And no it's not Barbie, just cause u found it doesn't mean it's urs!

Caroline: ya it does, finders keepers!!

Damon: that is so old! Can't u think of anything more original!?

Caroline: ur old to grandpa!

Damon: oh no u didn't Barbie

Caroline: oh yes I did grandpa

Elena: lol I'll let u guys fight this out in peace. later

'Elena has logged off'

Damon: stop calling me grandpa!

Caroline: stop calling me Barbie!

Damon: ugh ur so annoying!

Caroline: not as annoying as u!

Damon: I'm leaving keep the stupid necklace, I don't need it! Goodbye!

Caroline: lol bye grandpa!

Damon: I told u to stop calling me that!!

Caroline: later great-grandpa!

'Caroline has logged off'

Damon: nooooo she did not win! SHE CANT WIN!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!

'Damon has logged off'

Hope u all liked it! I also hope it makes up for the time that I haven't been writing! Love u all!!!!😘


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