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'Damon is online'
'Katherine is online'
'Stefan is online'

Stefan:Wtf is this?! I mean really, sparkling vampires? U gotta be kidding me!

Katherine:Oh ur reading twilight aren't u?

Stefan:No in watching the movie! And it's crap, like Edward isn't even good looking!

Katherine:Well I think he is!

Damon:Of course u do! U r the evil slut vampire after all!

Katherine:Mhm, but who was the one who was a mess cause they thought I was trapped in the tomb! Oh and Edward is way better looking then both of u!

Stefan:Is not bitch!

Katherine:Is 2 asshole!

Stefan:Is not!

Katherine:Is 2!

Stefan:Is not!


Damon:Both of u shut up!!



Damon:U know what! Let's settle this! Stefan and I r much hotter than that Ed dude.

Katherine:Edward, his name is Edward! And never in a million years will u 2 morons be more hot than him!!

Damon:U do know he is only an actor so Stefan and I can just kill him. Btw, I don't think he'll look to hot when he is desiccating!

Katherine:U wouldn't dare!

Stefan:Watch us bitch!

Katherine:*starts sobbing but then stops suddenly when she thinks of a mischievous idea* If u dare lay a hand on him, *smirks and laughs evilly* I will kill ur dear Elena!

Damon:U wouldn't!

Katherine:R u really underestimating me Damon? U should know me better! I do what I want when I want and I don't let anyone get in my way.

Stefan:Fiiinnnneee! We won't kill ur precious Edward if u don't kill Elena.

Katherine:Well I don't know, I still really want to kill elena.

Damon:Would u really sacrifice the love of ur life just to kill a stupid annoying good for nothing doppelgänger?

Katherine:I am so screen shooting that and sending it to Elena!

Damon:Shit, I didn't mean it like that!

Stefan:Ooo, Damon! Ur in deep shit bro!

'Elena is online'

Elena:Wtf Damon?! U know if u felt that way u should have told me before we slept together 9 times!!

Stefan:U did what?


Stefan:Fine, be that way! I'm out bitches!!

'Stefan has logged off'

Damon:Listen Elena, I can explain!

Elena:No Damon I don't wanna here it!

Katherine:MUHAHAHA!! I love ruining relationships!

Elena:Screw u Katherine! Goodbye damon!

'Elena has logged off'


Damon:Say goodbye to ur sweet little Edward, Katherine!

Katherine:NOOOO! U can't do this to me!!!

Damon:Too late!😏

Katherine:Screw u damon!

Damon:U 2!

Katherine:Ughh! I hate u!!

'Katherine has logged off'
'Damon has logged off'

So how was Twilight? I felt like writing this cause I was watching it on tv like 2 hours ago so ya! Hope u guys liked it. Please vote and comment! Love u all!😘

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