
510 23 12

'Stefan is online'
'Caroline is online'
'Damon is online'
'Elena is online'
'Matt is online'
'Tyler is online'
'Bonnie is online'

Elena:can u guys believe we're all married with children?

Damon:ikr it seems like it was only yesterday when I showed up in Mystic Falls in 2009 to ruin your lives

Stefan:*sighs* good times good times

Matt:ya the good 'ol days before u guys showed up killed Vicky and took Elena away

Caroline:oh shut up Matt u know if that didn't happen u would have never been able to have an amazing time with me... before I left u for Tyler... oops

Tyler: now those were the good times;)

Bonnie: remember the good times when Jer and I were dating?

Damon: ew gross

Elena: I try not to

Caroline: I think I'm gonna die

Matt:*gagging in a corner*


Bonnie: stfu u mutt

Stefan: HAHAHAHAHA SHE CALLED U A MUTT LOSER! Wait... what's a mutt?

Damon: omg your poor kids

Stefan: my kids r damn lucky

'Stefans kids are online'

Stefans kids: no were not, we'd rather have uncle Damon as a dad

Damon: ya they'd rather have me

Stefan: well then kids, why don't u go live with uncle Damon then

Stefans kids:ok dad!

Damon: what no Elena and I already have 3 kids!

Stefan:well now u get three more!

Damon:NOOOOOOOOOOOO *goes to cry in a corner and decided to smapchat his problem for help*

Everyone: lol U GOT PRANKED!!!!!

Damon:damn it

'Damon has logged off'

Stefan: good job kids now go pack ur stuff, let's give him a heart attack!

Stefans kids:yayyyyyy! Moooom come help

Caroline: coming

'Stefans kids have logged off'
'Stefan has logged off'
'Caroline has logged off'

Elena: I'm gonna go stop Damon from dying

'Elena has logged off'

Matt: I'm forever alone:(


Tyler:ur so lame bro

'Bonnie has logged off'
'Tyler has logged off'
'Matt has logged off to go cry by himself... cuz he's forever alone'

Hope u guys liked it! I know it's been forever since I've updated and I felt like this was needed to thank all of u lovely readers for the support, I love u all. Also u can tell I kinda paired up the to couple I love so ya!


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