Chapter 4

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It has been one week since the audition took place.

The staff had informed them that they will get to know the results after two weeks so everyone is waiting for them to announce it.

Meanwhile Pooh and Pavel has been chatting with each other since the day they exchanged number.

Its like they have found a person with whom they are comfortable talking about their life.

It was night time and Pooh was just getting ready for bed when his phone started ringing.

He picked up the phone and saw that Pavel is calling him.

Hello, P'Pavel.

Hello, Pooh

Did I disturb you? Are you already sleeping?

No P' I was just getting ready for bed.I was awake.

I just wanted to ask if you are free tomorrow morning.

I am free tomorrow P' as its a weekend I don't have any class tomorrow.

Ok great.So I was thinking, as I was going to the gym tomorrow would you like to accompany me? We can go to the gym then we could grab some breakfast.

Oh its a very  nice idea P'. I was also thinking of joining a gym as I want to start exercising.And you could also teach me as I am not experienced.

Sure Pooh no problem . I can help you train.

So I will send you the address of the gym as I go there regularly.Can you come by yourself or would you like me to pick you up?

Its fine P' I can go there by myself.You don't have to pick me up.

Ok then .

So what are you doing P'Pavel?

Oh nothing I was just lying down and scrolling my mobile then I thought that we could go train together  so I called you.

So how are your study going Pooh?It must be tough  studying engineering.

Yeah its tough but I like it so I am willing to work hard.

You know if you get selected it will get very hectic right.Can you manage both studies and acting?

I don't know if I can manage everything but it was my lifelong dream to be an actor so I am willing to do anything to make my dream possible. I think I can do it if I work hard.

You know Pooh you remind me of my younger self.I was just like you full of hope and courage that I can do anything but after my first series everything started going downhill.I was having so many problems with my company.I was just losing confidence in myself and started doubting myself if I could still act. Then I thought that I should bot lose hope so soon . I should fight harder to prove myself. And now I have given the audition, though I am confident that I did good but if I  don't get selected then I don't know what will I do next.

You are so brave P'Pavel , you have faced so many challenges in your carrier but you are still strong and fighting.I really admire you . I wish I can become like you someday . You are such a good person.You practically helped a stranger so much in his audition.I was really nervous that day but thanks to you I got to do my best.So thank you P'Pavel and I know you will get selected because you did your best.

Thank you Pooh for listening to me and encouraging me.It feels so good to share everything with someone.I am feeling much better now thanks to you.Although we met just a week ago but I feel like I have known you for so many years.

I feel the same way, its like I can talk to you about anything without any fear or hesitation that you will judge me.

Thank you nong.I appreciate it and if you have any problem or if you need any advice you can always talk to me.

Ok P'Pavel if I need any help I will talk to you.

So, P'Pavel you were living in New Zealand for many years right ? How was it living there?

It was good actually . Although the places are so different but I enjoyed living there.Infact my sister and mom frequently travels there.But now I don't get much time to travel so I have not been there in a long time.

I hope you get the time to visit soon.It feels like you miss going there.

Yeah It was my second home.So I miss the place sometimes.

Pavel saw that it has gotten very late at night and they should probably sleep now.

Pooh its late right now.Go and sleep or you will be tired tomorrow.

And I will send you the location meet me there at 7 am .

Ok P'Pavel then I am going to sleep.

Good night P'Pavel.

Good night Pooh.

And the two slept soundly after talking to each other.

Author's note:

This story is completely my imagination.I will take inspo from their actual real life moments but I don't want to write based on that entirely as that will be a bit personal.

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