Chapter 8

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Today is P'chod birthday.

Pavel had just arrived and went to greet P'chod.

He found her talking to some people.

Hello, P'chod.

Hello, Pavel

Happy birthday P'chod.Here's something for you.

Thank you nong.

I am a bit busy greeting everyone so I can't chat longer. You can go enjoy the party.

Yes, P'chod.I will go and find the others.

Pavel went and grab a drink and saw that the guys are talking to each other in a corner.So he went to them.

Hello guys, he greeted everyone.

Hello, Pavel.Everyone greeted him back.

Did you just arrive? Nut asked him.

Oh yes, I just arrived and after greeting P'Chod I just came here to talk to you guys.

Its good that everyone has arrived.We should all spend more time with each other . As we don't know who will get which role we should probably be comfortable with each other so that we don't have any problem in shooting . Benz said.

You are right, from my experience I know its good to at least be comfortable with each other so that we don't look awkward in the screen.Nut said.

You are right P'Nut, we should be all comfortable with each other.Pon said.

Its actually good that they are hosting a show , in that way we all can get to know each other better.Sailub said.

Yes, P' you are right.Garfield said.

Is Pooh not coming? Benz enquired.

I don't know he said that he will come.Maybe he is running late.Pavel said.

Hello guys, at the exact moment Pooh came and greeted everyone.

Oh hello, nong we were all just wondering about you.Sailib said.

Actually, I was stuck in college for a project so I got late.

Oh, what are you studying?Michael asked.

I am studying robotics engineering.

Oh , you are a talented one . Ping said.

Its nothing P'.

After that everyone got busy in their own talks.

So Pooh went to fetch a drink for himself.

Pavel also came to get a drink and saw that Pooh was looking tired.

You look tired nong.

Oh, P'Pavel.

Actually I didn't sleep well last night and I was busy the whole day . So I am a bit tired.

You should take care of your health nong.Its not good to neglect your health.Moreover once the shooting start you will  be more tired so you should try to rest a bit now.

Yes, P'. I will try to take care of myself more.

So how did you get interested in engineering?

I always  wanted to make a robot so I got into robotics engineering.Besides it was my dream.

Pooh was just talking with his usual sunshine smile and Pavel was just watching him and he was thinking how Pooh's smile is so contagious that anyone having a bad day will automatically feel good in Pooh's presence.

It looks like you are very passionate about it.Its good to see you having that dreamy smile from talking about your dream.

Was I rambling too much? I tend to do that a lot.

No, its good actually.It feels nice to see your smile.You have that energy to make someone feel good.

You are making me shy P'Pavel.

Pavel laughed after seeing Pooh's face.

After that they both went to the others.

Pooh was talking to Benz . After Pavel Benz was the one he feels most comfortable with. Its not like the others are treating him bad its just that he didn't know any of them too much.Maybe he will feel comfortable with everyone after getting to know them better.

The guys were talking about the show and what they were expecting from it.

So, what do you think will happen guys? Pon asked.

I don't know maybe they will test our chemistry with each other.As we will be paired together.Sailub said.

Yeah, I also think that maybe they will test our chemistry with everyone.As we also auditioned in a pair.Nut said.

I think they will have us play some type of game.As that what happens in these type of shows.Michael said.

Maybe , who knows we will get to know it after one week anyways . Pavel said.

So what roles are you guys expecting to play? Lee asked.

I don't know ,I am not expecting any particular role.Topten said.

Same.Everyone agreed.

Pooh saw Pavel was thinking about someting.

Do you have something in mind P'Pavel?

Yeah, are you expecting any particular role? Ping asked.

Its not like I am expecting it.But yeah I have just started reading the novel and can't say I am not intrigued by Babe's character. Its just that I can relate to him so much.

After hearing Pavel everyone got a bit quiet.

Let's see what happens right . No need to stress about it right now.Pon said to break the silence.

Yeah, let's not discuss about all these right now.Lets just enjoy the party.Sailub said.

Pooh saw Pavel in deep thoughts .

P'Pavel are you ok?

I am fine. Why do you ask?

Are you thinking about something?

Its just that I think I shouldn't have said that I am hoping to get  Babe's role.I think I made everyone awkward.

You know nobody is thinking that deeply.You don't have to worry about that.Moreover we don't even know what role we will get.Maybe you will get babe's role or not.But I know you will do great in whichever role you get.So don't think too much and enjoy the party.

Thanks nong.Maybe you are right.I shouldn't think too much about this right now.

After that everyone started having fun.

As the party came to an end everyone bid bye to P'chod and each other and head out to go home.

Pavel was just going when he saw Pooh getting inside a car .

Maybe someone came to pick him up.Pavel thought and also went home.

Author's note:

Sorry for the late update guys.I have been busy the whole week with uni and stuff.I have a function to attend also so the next update will probably be next week.I will try to update sooner.Hope you stick with me to the end.

I have so many ideas and so many romantic moments in my mind.So please bear with me.

Maybe the story is looking a bit boring now but its just the starting there is so much more to come.

First I was thinking that I shouldn't add the mature theme then I thought yeah fuck it its a fanfiction so yeah there will be some spicy scenes.

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