Chapter 6

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Its been a week since they went to the gym together.

They couldn't talk as much as they were both busy .

It was in the morning when Pooh was in the college that he got a call from the audition team that he got selected and he is requested to attend  a meeting tomorrow where everyone will be present who get selected so that they could all meet each other.

Similarly Pavel also got a call to inform him that he got selected and he is requested to join the meeting tomorrow.

They were both very happy that they got selected and the first thought they had is that they should inform the other that they got selected.

As Pooh was busy with classes he thought of calling Pavel later to know if he got selected as he knows Pavel is really hoping to get selected.

Meanwhile Pavel called Pooh to tell him the good news and ask if he got selected.Pavel hopes Pooh get selected as it will be good if they are both in the same show.

Pooh didn't pick up his call . Pavel thought that he might be busy .

Pooh went home late at night as he was celebrating with his friends.His friends got to know about his selection and insisted on a night out to celebrate his success.So he didn't get to check his phone at all.

He checked his phone once he was freshen up and saw that Pavel has called him.So he thought of calling him now.

The call was ringing and after some  rings Pavel picked up.

Hello,came Pavel's sleepy voice.

Hello, P'Pavel.

Were you sleeping? I didn't mean to disturb you.

Oh, Pooh its you.

Yeah I just had a slight headache so I slept early.

Oh, sorry to disturb you.

No, its fine . My headache is gone now.

So why are you calling late at night?

Actually I saw that you had called me in the morning.As I was in class the whole day then I went to celebrate with my friends so I didn't check my mobile.

Yeah, I had called you to tell you something.

So the audition team called me today to inform me that I had got selected.

Congratulations, P'Pavel. I know you could do it.

So, Pooh did you get any call?

Yeah, I did actually.But they called to inform me that I didn't get selected.

I am so sorry Pooh.Dont worry okay I am sure you will get selected next time.Besieds you are still young so don't loose hope.

Pavel encouraged him but deep down he is also sad that Pooh didn't get selected as he thought it could have been  good if both of them get selcted.

Ha ha, Pavel was just thinking this when he heard laughter from the other side.

Why are you laughing Pooh?

I was just joking with you P'. They actually called to tell me that I got selected.

Pooh, why are you joking about something like that? You know I got sad knowing that you didn't get selected.

I just wanted to play with you a little . Besides its the revenge from the other day when you were teasing me.

You know you are very naughty.

I know , Pooh said still laughing.

Both were now laughing together.

Anyway congratulations Pooh.I am happy for you .

Thank you P'Pavel.

Its good right we both get to play in a series together.

Yeah its good.It will be fun working with you.

Yeah it will.

Ok then, good night P'. You should go sleep . I don't want to disturb you anymore.We have the meeting tomorrow it will not be good for you to have a headache.

Yeah, I am going to go sleep.You should also go sleep now.Its very late.

Yeah I am also going to bed now.

Good night , P' see you tomorrow.

Yeah, good night and see you tomorrow.

Author's note:

The book will be long.Hope you guys don't get bored reading it. Let me know your thoughts, I will appreciate it.

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