The Infection

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A/N: This is totally not a practice for Exteminated or smt. So yeah... you might see this twice if you're gonna read my other stories afterwards LMAO

Catergory: Horror-ish

"MIKA! WATCH OUT!" I heard my friend, Nex, yell. 

"I'll be fi-" I couldn't finish my sentence. I let out an ear piercing scream as I felt a sharp pain in my upper back, like someone had shoved 2 large knives just below my shoulder blades. 

I looked at Nex, who looked back at me with a horrified expression.I had been infected and we both knew it.

I looked around and noticed my vision getting blurry, I wasn't sure if it was from the insane amount of pain I was feeling or the virus getting to my brain.

 I felt another sharp pain, this one worse than before. 

I fell to the ground, screaming in agony as I felt my ribs deform and break through the skin on my back. There was a loud cracking sound. I felt the blood running down my back. I screamed once again as I felt the bones in my forehead mangle and deform. 

Then, my vision went red.

Nex looked at me in horror. "y- you're... YOU MONSTER!" They yelled before running away. 

I tried to speak but all I could do was screech. Screech like the Emberwoods did when in pain. I was becoming one of them. 

I let out another screech as I felt my jaw crack. 

I layed there on the soggy forest ground, in pain, unable to move. My body getting more and more mangled with the second. 

I looked around, my vision went blurry one last time before going completely dark.

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