Sodo Angst!!!

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A/N: Mkay... right, this is a story from my DR and I kinda just thought like: 'lets write it while listening to depressive music!'

Catergory: angst (ofc)

Trigger Warning: this chapter is about Sodo relapsing. So this whole thing is basically about self-harm. So if thats a Trigger for you, I'd advise you not to read this :)

I was walking through the ministry in the middle of the night. I had tried to fall asleep for the past 4 hours and I simply couldn't.

"Cumulus, Swiss, Aurora, Rain, Ifrit, Ivy..." I mumbled as I walked past the rooms of all the ghouls. "And... Sodo" I walked past Sodo's room and heard fain sobs

"Shit, shit, shit... why did you do this to yourself, Dewdrop!? What is everyone gonna think!?" I walked towards the door of his room, pressing my ear against it.

"Why cant I just be normal. Why cant I just control myself!?"

I softly knocked on the door. "Sodo? You okay?" I asked before opening the door.

"Go away, I'm fine!"

I saw my bandmate sitting on his bed in a dimly lit room. He had a razor blade in one hand and a bloody paper towel in the other.

He relapsed.

I walked closer. "Sodo, there is blood running down your wrist, no you aren't." I said as I sat down on the bed, right next to him.

"I'm so fucking sorry. I had to. It was too much!" Sodo mumbled, staring at his bloody wrist. I just nodded. I didn't know what to do.

"Did you go deep? I don't want them to heal shitty." I asked in a soft and comfortong voice. He just mumbled something again, I couldn't hear it

"Sodo... please, I promise it's okay. I just want to help you. I know what lemons life can give you, trust me. But just... Please... could you put down the blade." I asked before he put the razor on his nightstand.

"I'm so sorry. I- I had to..." Sodo mumbled again.

I gently grabbed his arm, taking a look at the cuts all over his wrist. "You didn't go too deep... maybe we should still go to medical." I mumbled to myself. "But... Do you want to tell me what happened? Or is it just one of those: 'everything is happening and its a lot while it shouldn't be' type situations?"

Sodo just nodded before he leaned towards me, placing his head in the crook of my neck. I put an arm around him, using my free hand to grab a clean paper towel.

"It'll be alright, I promise" I said softly, almost whispering as I pressed the paper towel against his wrist.

Sodo sighed as I let go of him, standing up. "Lets head to medical. I think thats the best for now." I smiled warmly, slowly beginning to walk towards his door.

He followed shortly. "Next time you feel like this just text me, call me, come over to my room, anything! I don't want you to just suffer alone, okay?" I smiled.

A/N: pfew! That were a good 470 words! Anyways... I hope this wasn't too bad. I'm not used to writing angst/sad stories XD

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