They're an artist

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Okay, so... this is kinda a poem I wrote at like 3 AM last night... I'm also sorry for not uploading

Catergory: Sad-ish 3AM poem
Tw: Mentions of Self-Harm

They're an artist
The sharp, silver brush running over their wrist, the red paint leaving straight lines

They're an artist.
The hot lighter pressing against their stomach, leaving small circles and red spots all over the canvas they call their skin

They're an artist.
Their hard fists leaving blue and purple stains all over their tighs

They're an artist.
The canvas that they consider their body and skin painted beautifully with scars, marks, stains and lines.

"Art is meant to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed" after all...

Okay, like I said, kinda random and honestly, it also kinda sucks but... eh. It's something :)

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