Part 29 - You don't see

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You don't see
How I cry in the night
Both for help,
And out my eyes

You don't see
What you've done to me
When you took my heart
And shattered it apart

You don't see
The state you put me in
Of misery
And exhaustion

You don't see
How I bleed
And you don't hear
How I scream

You don't see
How I flinch
Anytime someone says your name
Or the sound of E

You don't see
How I shiver
When you walk past
Staring me down like a gnat

You don't see
The pain you've caused me
And now you're blind
To the fact I've died in your mind

That's okay
You've died in mine too
When it made your day
To forever say goodbye

127 words

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