Chapter 2 - No more nightmares

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The next couple of hunts just go by. Everything kinda blurs together. Jess has been on your mind and her burning body has been the cause of your nightmares. Dean typically wakes you up from them since Sam could sleep with tornado sirens going off but Sam is the only one who understands it. You fell asleep on the drive to some case that Sam found. You knew the nightmare would start soon so you just tried to rest as well as you could.

You were standing in the room where it happened locked in a cage. The flames started and you saw Jess's eyes. Someone grabs your shoulder, jolting you awake.

"Oh I'm sorry- you looked cold because you were shaking" Sam says, looking at you with a sympathetic smile.

You return a tight smile and mouth thanks and try to fall back asleep. Sam's coat covered your upper half which was nice and comforting. You miss the sleepovers y'all would have when they stayed at Uncle Bobby's. A few hours later the impala stops at a motel. You acted asleep hopefully so you could just stay in the backseat. You felt two strong arms gently wrap around you.

"Sam, be careful I don't want her hurt."

"I'm stronger than you think. I was still working out at uni and I would never mean to hurt her"

"Put her in my bed"


The arms dropped you gently on Dean's bed and you fell into a dreamless sleep. It was actually nice to get some rest. The next morning you wake up to the sounds of the boys getting ready. You sit and stretch realizing you are not in your clothes.

"Who.Changed.My.Clothes.?" You gave both the boys a go to hell look.

"Him!" The boys say in unison.

You look down at the shirt and see it's an Eric Clapton shirt. You instantly know it's Deans shirt. The faint smell of whisky and motor oil shows it's his too.

"Dean?" You look up with a piercing look.

"Not me! My shirt yes not me who touched you"

You look over to Sam who's shaggy hair was trying to hide his dark pink face.

"Sam- was it you?"

"Uh- yeah?- Is that okay? I didn't really look. I had to look but I didn't try but I had too so I didn't accidentally touch you. Not that touching you is a bad thing-."

Sam rambles for about two more minutes before you start laughing. Sam looks at you confused.

"Sam- it's okay it's totally not like we haven't-"

You catch yourself, You had promised Sam not to ever tell what happened on graduation night. Dean gives a suspicious glance to both of y'all.

"Let's get rolling love birds"

As y'all drive to the case an hour from the motel you learn that Sam got an email from his friends saying someone got accused of murder. Y'all do y'all routine of acting as FBI, and asking around, then crashing back at the motel.

"You okay Ann?"

Dean looks at you. The nightmares have made you lose the appetite for food and socializing. You had grown paler and your face had sunk in some.

"I'm doing oka-"

Your body hit the ground with a thud. Hours later you wake up on Sam's bed. You sit up looking around. The boys were gone presumably on the hunt so you got up and went to the bathroom to shower. After getting a shower and stealing Sam's t-shirt that hit your knees and Dean's sweats that fit pretty well since you were a bit curvy. You look into the mirror to see a bruise on your head. You press your hand to it and a white glow forms under your touch. You remove your hand and see the bruise is gone.

Im so not telling the guys about this.

There was a knock at the door. You grab a knife and open the door slightly. With a sigh you open it.

"Jeez Dean you scared me. You typically call. Where is Sam-."

Dean grabs you and presses you into the wall making you drop the knife. He grabs your neck and starts to choke you. As soon as his hand touches your neck he winces and drops you to the ground.

Why is Dean- that's not Dean... he winced when he touched my- sliver! It's the shapeshifter!

You grab your knife, you drop stabbing the shifter in the side. He winces and falls slowly dying. You roll under the bed and grab the hidden gun. Rolling back out you shoot the shapeshifter. He winces again and falls to the ground. You scramble out from under the bed and shoot him in the heart. Dean and Sam run into the room. Sam's eyes lock with yours. Dean is looking at the shifter making sure he is dead. Sam runs to you and checks you over.

"Are you okay? How did you know it was the shifter?"

You pull the silver necklace you had on out of Sam's shirt. It was a silver chain necklace with a single daisy pendant on it. Sam had got it for you as a goodbye present when he left for college. Sam looks down at it and smiles with a light chuckle. He grabs you and holds you close. Dean cleans up the room while Sam checks over you for injuries three stinking times.

"Sam I'm fine just let me go shower"

"No you pass out on us then turn around and kill the shifter"

"Let me shower to wash all the blood away though"

"If only I can be there to make sure nothing happens"

"Woah Sammy little forward huh?"

Dean pipes up from his bed. You run to the bathroom before anyone can protest. You sigh and re take a shower since you now have shifter blood all over you. You get out of the shower and see someone left his huge hoodie and basketball shorts for you. You slip on the hoodie and like his shirts it hits right above your knee. You put the shorts on and have to tie it all the way and roll the band for them to stay. You walk out of the bathroom to see Dean already asleep. You sigh and sit in the chairs getting ready to fall asleep. When a familiar voice gets your attention.

"Anne? You are not sleeping in a chair."

"I'm fine Sam"

He gets up from his bed and goes over to you and picks you up.

"I wasn't asking"

You sigh as he lays you on his bed. He gets in next to you and you remember all the nights y'all have spent like this. Your bed at your house with the daisy blankets. Your bed at Bobby's once your parents were killed. A few motel beds before he left for college. You look up at the now asleep Sam and scoot closer. His arms wrap protectively around you and fall into a deep sleep. This being the first night Sam and you both have not had a nightmare of Jessica's death.

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