Chapter 5 - Mary

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I stroll out of the motel bathroom and plop down on Deans bed. Sam is drawing on a pad. I look over and see it's the tree from my dream last night. Is it just a coincidence?

"What are you sketching Sammy?"

"Uh- just this tree.. it looks.."

Sam's voice trails off as he quickly grabs John's journal and pulls out the picture of John and Mary and the old house. I lean forward trying to get a good look at it. The trees are the exact same.

"I know where we have to go next, Kansas... back home"

Dean gets up from his chair.

"What do you mean?"

"I have these nightmares and sometimes they come true"

Is that what I have been having? Is that like me passing in and out? What is going on?

A white flash happens I can see a fiery figure standing in a little girls closet. Another white flash. I sit back up on the bed.

"I swore to myself I'd never go back"

I look to Dean as he turns around. He looked.. scared. Ive seen all types of Dean. Sad, drunk,funny, flirty, and angry Dean. Never a scared Dean.

"I agree with Sam.. we have to go"

I spoke carefully and I could feel the pained expression match yours from Dean.

"we have to check it out just to make sure"

"I know"

The ride was silent. Dean asking Sam questions about his visions or dreams. I learned he knew about Jessica's death before it happened. I did too. I said nothing other than thinking about how I had a dream about Jessica in a house fire. Y'all walk up to the house and a kind lady opens the door. She leads you into the house and you meet a baby and a kid. Sari, the kid, asks about the thing in her closet. The mom tries to brush it off as a kid thing though the mom keeps talking about flickering lights and noises. Sari says it was on fire and I shift my stance realizing I saw what happened last night to her. My mouth went dry and I glanced to Sam seeing him clench his jaw.

Did he have the same dream or vision or whatever was going on?

Y'all leave the house and Sam and Dean argue about if it is something new, the thing that killed their mom and Jessica, and how long it may have been there. Typically when dealing with ghosts I felt the revengeful energy that radiates off them. This time I didn't feel that in the boys old house. It felt more sad than anything. Dean stopped at a gas station and the boys talked while I thought about the energy and visions.

"Then I carried you out the house"


"What? You never knew that?"

I looked out the back glass content that the brothers where finally talking to each other about stuff. Dean goes on explaining what John had told the boys. The next day y'all went to where John use to work. The guy told y'all that John went mental basically and that he had started reading old books and going to a psychic. After learning that he went to a local psychic Dean finds a close phone and Sam grabs the phone book by it.

"There's a lot of psychics apparently..."

Sam starts listing them off laughing at some of the bad names. Dean leans up against baby close to me. He's been tense and on edge since y'all have been in Kansas but I hoped solving this case could help Dean.

"Missouri Mosley.. these-"

Sam was cut off by Dean as he grabbed Johns journal.

"First page first sentence."

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