Chapter 4 - visions?

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Sam and you where sitting on the hood of baby looking at possible cases. Sam hardly talked to you once he saw how Dean was treating you now. You felt a little bad for upsetting him but he also didn't tell you about Jess.

"Got some cash now! What did the nerds find?"

Dean walks out of the bar and holds up the wad of cash he won.

"Don't you think it would be better if we got a day job sometime?"

Sam looked up from his research as he saw the wad of cash in Deans hand.

"Hunting is our day job plus hustling pool is more fun"

Dean walks over to you and slides you off the hood. He spins you around and smiles.

"If you wherent already around us I'd give up hunting for you"

"Okay mr.Winchester you drank enough tonight"

"Plus we found a case. They say mad cow disease is how this guy died but there would e been signs before his death. I say we check it out. I'm also driving"

"Wasn't that on Oprah?"

Sam looks at Dean confused as you laugh. You remember back to when John would go out for a hunt and leave Dean and you at the motel. You showed him Oprah and some chick flicks. Dean showed you even more music than your dad did. Sam grabs the keys and hops in the driver seat. Dean sits passenger and you sit in the back. Y'all take off towards Oklahoma for this new case. Eventually y'all stop at a motel. Sam helps Dean inside as you grab the bags. You don't remember much else from that night other than Dean grabbing you to lay down. The next morning you wake up to the sound of the alarm clock.

I wish these boys knew how to get up at least at 7 and not so early

You get up and grab your clothes. You shower and change into a black cami tank and black bell bottom jeans. You go to grab your daisy necklace but stop. You shove it in your pocket and grab your boots. Your braid your hair quickly since it's still wet then head back to where you left Dean and Sam. Sam found that this guy Travis was at the scene when it happened so y'all set out to find him. After talking to Travis y'all go to the scene. Dean and Sam fight back and forth has to who will go down there.

"No I'll go-"

"Guys I'm gonna go grab the rope okay? Figure it out by the time I get back."

Sam gets lowered down into the hole and finds a beetle. While driving Sam looks at the beetle and says something about how beetles can eat meat. Dean sees a free food sign and pulls over. You look at the sign and see that it's for the new housing addition y'all where just at.

"I'd freak with the manicured lawns and how's your day honey"
Dean looks to you and you nod in agreement. While you missed the life your parents gave you you wouldn't trade anything for the life uncle Bobby, Dean, John, and Sam showed you.
"There's nothing wrong with normal"
"I'd pick our family over any other every time"
Dean puts his arm around you and Sam looks at you confused remembering how you use to be before graduation and before the accident with your parents. Y'all walk up to the door and a guy greets y'all.
"Hey guys I'm Larry Pike and let me say we accept all sorts of people from different backgrounds, religions, and um sexual orientation"
You start to laugh as Dean and Sam explain they are brothers and are just looking for a place for their dad. Larry leads y'all to the back yard explaining how his family was the first to move to the new houses. You meet his wife and a lady named Lynda. She says the same thing as Larry.
"Hi I'm Lynda and we accept people form different backgrounds,religions, or sexual orientations"
Sam goes to explain that they are brother like he did to Larry but Dean slaps his butt and starts walking off.
"I'm gonna go talk to Larry honey!"
You laugh a little and walk off looking around the house for any sigals or sulfur. You look out the window and see Sam talking to boy who has a huge spider. You shiver slightly and go on. Eventually Sam,Dean, and you all leave more perplexed than ever. That night Dean pulls into one of the empty houses.
"Squatting? Seriously Dean?"
"What I wanna try the stream shower"
Y'all hide the impala in the garage and go inside. The next morning Sam pounds on the bathroom door and Dean opens it only a bit. You tried to stifle a laugh from the shower since Dean had a towel wrapped around his head.
"This shower is awesome"
"I'm sure but we gotta go got a lead"
Dean and yiu get dressed and head to the car. Since you slept horribly you instantly fall asleep in car till you at Matt's house. You wake up every so often to hear Sam and Dean talking.
"Why is she sleeping so much lately?"
"Idk I think Jess is still on her mind"
You fall asleep and wake up again.
"Dad was just scared Sam-"
Sam looks out the window. A white flash and you see insects trying to swarm the house.
You wake up to see Matt's house. Sam and Dean run up trying to explain that the family will die but they won't listen. Everyone runs upstairs to the attic. You see the bugs eating through the wood. Matt says look and another white flash happens. This time it was just white. Just a blank white place. There was a gruff hello but you woke up before you saw the man. You wake up in deans arms and see the family staring at you. You get up and go back to the car. The next morning you go see the family. Sam walks off to talk to the son and you stay with dean. Y'all eventually go to baby and lean on her waiting on Sam.
"So.. why do you keep passing out?"
"To be honest? Not sure.."
Sam comes over and stands by you.
"Dean.. let's go find dad"

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