chapter eight

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chapter eight:

save me S1 : E8

When Nadine woke up, she felt weird, weirder than usual. Pain behind her eyes, muscle spasms and cramping throughout her legs. It was two am as she groaned, moving to the bathroom and splashing water on her face.

Pain flooded through her arms as she realized what had happened the night before, she'd relapsed, the angry red cuts were proof of that, as they screamed at her.

Lights flashed in her vision as her legs went out from under her, pain exploding through her head as she landed in the door frame, her head on the floor with her eyes closing.

Hours passed with Nadine unconscious on the floor, no movement and no response. At seven am Cara woke up and padded to her mom's room to find the bed empty and practically unslept in.

Cara ran around the apartment and found her on the floor, in between the doorway, blood near her head. "Mommy, wake up!" She shouted as she poked her mom's cheek.

No response as the seven year old tapped her head and shook her mom's arm. "Mommy! Wake up!" Cara placed her hands on her hips, immitating her mother and used her stern grown up voice.

Nadine's phone rang from her room as Cara went to find it, she reached for the phone on the desk but was too short. Cara tried to climb on the bed, but fell off and couldn't reach the phone that way.

It was eleven in the morning and nobody had heard from her. The daycare had been calling her, wondering why Caroline wasn't in for her booked session, George and Izzie had called her.

Cara was crying at this point, her tears fell onto her mom as she tried to wake her up, to no avail. "I'm scared." She whispered, wracking her brain as to what her uncle had drilled in her head.

"Pillow, on her side." George's voice sounded in her head as she ran to her bedroom, getting her pillow and blankie for her mom. The tiny three year old tried to roll her mother onto her side, as Nadine's arm shot out and knocked her down. "Time it." Her uncle's voice told her.

Cara stood back up and found her mom seizing, coughing and groaning, her arm stretched out and her fingers cramped together.

"Get help. The special number for when someone needs help is 911, you only ring it for mommy when nobody else answers." Nadine's voice was in her ears now.

Cara ran to her mom's room and pulled herself up, crawling to the phone and saw missed call notifications. She rang her uncle but heard his voicemail, the same with her granny and grandpa and the same with her other uncles, everyone was busy.

Her tiny fingers pressed the buttons and waited for someone. "911 how can I help?" A man questioned as he heard sniffling on the other end.

"M-my mommy she won't wake up." Tears fell as she ran back to her mom. "My uncle told me to ring this number if mommy needed help and I couldn't find him." She recited what she had been told.

"What's your name?" He asked, fingers flying over keys as Cara rubbed her mom's hand. 

Cara was wiping her tears away as she tapped her mom. "C-Caroline, but mommy calls me Cara." The man on the other end smiled and laughed softly.

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