Chapter 2: New York movies.

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The set of this movie was more than Merryn had ever seen, she had been on a few when they boys have done moments of cameos in shows. But it has never been in this capacity, so many moving parts all at once and lots of small conversations filled the air with white noise. 

"And here you go, this will be you and your bothers trailer for the next six months and Merryn you have a separate trailer." The runner announced as a perplexed face grew on Merryn's face. 

"Oh no I am not in the film, I won't be needing it?" 

"Ah, yes but we are aware that Harry and Danny will need somewhere to have meetings at some point and so we have given you a trailer to do your days work while you are here with them." The female announced as she then escorted her to the trailer which in fact was only a few meters away from her brothers. 

"Wow this place is really nice, and it's warm in here as well." Merryn announced with surprise in her voice. The girl smiled with reservation as she glanced at her clipboard. 

"Your brothers will be picked up by wardrobe and makeup in about half an hour, you are welcome to join them. Also lunch will be a buffet at the central set, any other food will need to be ordered or brought with you each day." The woman spoke with a warmth as she then turned and let Merryn get to grips with her new space. But in this moment she realised how much she hated confided spaced and how much she loved to get curious about her new environment. so with a close eye on the clock she decided to wonder towards the main stage with her all access pass. Soon she had mindlessly walked by many people all cheery and joyfully saying hello to her. But then with a glimpse of a camera she knew she was about to witness grate acting first hand. 

"If you don't do it I will!" the first make announced forcefully as another stuntman hung from a wooden frame. 

"Be my guest!" the male holding a makeshift weapon exclaimed looking back at the other male handing him the weapon with grace. When out of the silence exclaimed booming voice.

"Cut! boys I want to do this scene again and then I want to get the Kline brothers into a scene with Tom" The voice of the director announced as he looked over at the runners and pointed firmly at Tom who jogged over. But as he did out of the corner of his eye notice Merryn, stood with her eyes watching the machines of the cameras. oblivious to his gaze in her direction, just then she quickly looked at her watch and realised she had to be back from her brothers wardrobe and makeup. 

"Sir can I go get a drink of water a second?" Tom asked innocently to the producer who agreed before they reset the setting. 

"Dude, did you see her?" Tom asked Luke as he walked up to him gathering his water bottle. 

"Who Tom?"

"Merryn, she is here on the set, I am not sure what she is doing here. But I saw her." 

"Tom, we can think about this later. you have a film to shoot, don't let your focus go." Harry his younger bother announced gripping his shoulders a little tighter than usual. Causing Tom to focus on his words a little clearer. Tom then nodded and continued to then walk onto the set with confidence and repeating his four lines in his head before the cameras began to roll once more. 

Meanwhile back at the trailer Merryn got back just in time to follow her brothers to the makeup and wardrobe trailer. 

"Where have you been Merryn, you took your time didn't you?" Danny announced in a huff as she shrugged and then continued to follow them with laptop and phone in hand. The first place the boys arrived to was the Wardrobe trailer, where each of them had a final fitting of their black suits. Her brothers were about to play bodyguards, who would become good friends with Toms masterful back robbing friends. This was about to be a big roll for her brothers and Merryn quickly became anxious.

"How do we look Merryn?" Harry smiled smartly. 

"You both defiantly look like Artie and Archer now." She giggled refraining there pairs characters.  Soon enough the pair were called on to the set with Tom. 

"Boys this is Tom, he is going to be the person playing Martie, and you will be his bodyguards slash bank robbing mastermind with him." The producer Kai announced as he began to get the pair comfortable as the set was being adapted behind them. 

"Nice to meet you both, you're two of the Kline brothers right?" Tom spoke shaking their hands with a Hollywood smile. 

"Uh yeah, nice t meet you Tom, I am Danny and this is my youngest brother Harry. Oh and with us is our assistant slash manager Merryn." Danny announced keeping to her wishes off always calling her their manager and assistant. 

"Oh nice to meet you Merryn, I wondered who was the Brains behind the band  Riot of Kid-Kline." Tom smiled shaking her hand with an kindness about him. 

"Um, yeah nice to meet you too and of course they would be nothing without my experience of managing them." Merryn announced with a warm smile and a out of nowhere chuckle. Tom agreed and then began talking about music while they were waiting.

"Yeah I heard you last song Blood stream state, what a way with words. where did that all come from?" Tom asked trying to get to know the people, he would be working with for the next few moths. 

"Oh it was a bit if all five of us really, I mean Jake came up with a pot of it as usual and then we all sort of slotted it together after that?" Danny announced trying to effortlessly explain his way through a song he had no clue what it really meant. That was an odd moment when Tom questioned how he didn't know too much about the music he was playing and questioned who was actually writing for them. Then he saw Merryn face in her phone trying to look busy. 

"I am sorry, I didn't get that, how can you not know what song you are playing? Merryn do you know what their song Blood stream state is about." Just then Merryn looked up innocently and nodded intelligently. 

"Uh, yeah it's about the fact of the state they are taking about is where their heart belongs. But they had to sacrifice it for a love of music and family?" Merryn shrugged not before the director called the three of them to set and they had to walk onto set and become the characters. But just as they did Merry walked back into the crowed and Tom took one last glance at her before she left them to act through the scenes needed. Merryn knew she would be a distraction to her brothers so instead she walked back to the trailer to attend some phone call and emails to pass the time. 

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