Chapter seven Saying goodbye is hard.

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The next evening Merryn had booked for Woody to come and see the boys acting on set, that evening Merryn had also rented out a small part of Woody's favourite restaurant by now Toms Brother Seth had arrived in town as well so got Tom to invite his brother as well. She told him to meet her there for six. It was something that Merryn felt she had to do for him, but most importantly needed to do.
Hours be for out of the sight of her brothers Merryn had been very sick again and had a doctors appointment as she was so concerned.
"Yes, I am just concerned about my lupus symptoms. I feel like a massive flair is one the way and I really need to be well this evening?"

"I see, could you tell me more Miss Kline?"

"Well I keep getting server head aches, my brain feels a little fogey and I have a body rash at the moment. I also have felt close to seizures but not had one yet?"

"Okay have you had these in the past before a flare?"

"Yes all is in a similar to the last time." Merryn sighed hoping she was going to get some medication to help.

"Okay well I will prescribe a few things for this and then come back if things get worst from here please." The doctor announced as she then thanked him and left the doctors.

Hours later....

"Merryn, is this thing for woody casual dress?" Harry questioned as he walked in with a layered look and a beanie.
"Come on, ofcourse it's casual Harry, how long have you known Woody. He is the king of casual." Merryn chucked as she sported her favourite jeans and then a large oversized  jumper. Harry took a look at her and could see something Was up with her. Mainly what gave it away was the fact she was sitting down and normally she loved to stand and do her makeup.
"Look Merryn, if you need to change days we can?"
"I am fine Harry." Merryn shaped giving him a sharp glare, Harry then surrendered and left her alone.

Twenty minuets later they were out side of Neros, and waiting for Woody. This meant everything to Merryn and it would symbolise a cascade of events for her. But today wasn't about her feelings and her well-being it was about Woody and how he was going to get through the next months. Then she saw him, and although she tried to contain herself she simply couldn't help but run to him and give him a hug, they then walked in and were seated on a small room off to the side of the  restraint.

"Hi guys, I would like to say a massive thank you for today, and although I know who probably organised everything. I wanted to say being on set this afternoon was incredible and you are all amazing at your jobs. But most of all just thank you so much Mermaid for doing all you do for me." Woody spoke getting very emotional in the moment as they all raised a glass even Merryn had a drink or two a this evening.

Later that evening Merryn stood up and decided to make a toast.
"I just wanted to say Tree, you have been such a big part of my life for years. I will miss you so much. But most of all I will miss our catch-ups in the park, the times we spend debating and just you being able to come over at anytime of the day." Merryn announced as she swallowed back her tears. "But I just want you to know that you are everything to me and if you ever need me just call. Now enlighten of soppy speeches let's party." Merryn giggled trying to keep everything up beat and happy.

"Hey Tom, I just wanted to say thank you for letting me come and watch you at work today." Woody announced as they both stood at the bar.
"Yeah, no problem at all any friends of Merryn's is mine." Tom spoke taking a swig of beer as they spoke for a few more minuets before Harry star try to talk to Woody and Tom decided to try and look for Merryn. As he scanned the room he noticed her slip out on to the court the place had. Curious Tom decided to follow her, when he dose he noticed that Merryn was feeding a plant her wine. As he gets closer the noticed she had tears balanced in her eyes.

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