Chapter eight: lets Talk...

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The next morning Merryn got up early as she had a few jobs to be finished before she got everything set up for a video call with her sister Tammy. Little did she know is that Tom was also awake and sleeping on the sofa. meanwhile the other boys had crashed in Dannys room for the night on the floor. So as she took the frying pan out and she opened her laptop on the side Tom's head popped up from over the edge of the sofa. 

"Oh hello?" Merryn chuckled not expecting anyone else to be awake at six in the morning. 

"Morning M, what are you doing up so early?" tom spoke with a deep groggy morning voice as he tried to get rid of his head head look.

"Uh morning, and I am doing a few catch up things this morning and I also have to have a call with Tammy this morning. I am hoping the crisis she was talking about has been resolved with a phone call." Merryn shrugged as she continued to make herself breakfast. 

"Okay well, on that note can we talk about yesterday?" Tom questioned hoping she wouldn't be unposed to the idea of talking about it. 

"Yeah sure, I haven't stopped thinking about it either, where do we go from here?" Merryn questioned slightly unsure what to say next in this conversation. 

"Well we have two options, but the one I prefer is... that I want to take you out on a date to night, so we can have sometime away from the boys and work. But the second option is that we don't do that and live with the awkwardness?" He chuckled as he was snow stood on the other side of the counter to Merryn. 

"Well in that case." Merryn speaks with a smirk as she leans on the counter opposite him. "Well then, I would love to go for a date with you tonight." She brake in to a bigger grin as she then turned around to plate the food and give Tom some as well, which he loved but didn't expect at all. 

"Thank's Merryn, I will see you in a few hours." He announced as he picked up the plate and walked toward the sofa to eat it. 

"Don't mention it, just tell the boys I will be back in about an hour. I need to go to the trailer to have this meeting they have better wifi over there." Merryn announced as she packed up her breakfast and left Tom to watch some TV and sort out the boys.

Hours later and Merryn was on a call with Tammy who wouldn't stop talking about her. it was typical Tammy even thought sh was sixteen and still and young model. everything had to revolve around her and how she was suffering in the moment. 

"Alright Tammy, what do you want me to do. I have spoken with the head of the event, I have cousin Lyra with you as your chaperone. I don't think it's rally as bad as you are saying. Just put the clothes on and get this shoot done with everyone else. Plus you are literally the whole cover of teen vogue this month so Law is on your side. Just let me handle the big details and trust me." Merryn insisted playing the role of mother, sister and manager all in one moment. 

"Fine, but you better not let all this happen again. these looks really are not in my look scope at all. you need to make that clear in your feedback forms." Tammy spat in hatred for the company that she was working with. 

"Grow up," Merryn said as she simply ended the call,  then walked off to the Coffee shop down the road where she could have a few minuets to herself. before having to go to the Music studio to record some demos for the band. Quickly she ordered herself a green tea and an oatmeal bar, before taking a seat at a window and people watching for a while. less than ten minuets later Merryn had to leave and be arrive the studio for a three hour session where everything she dose with get criticised for the majority of the time she would be there. 

"Hey Blue, sorry I am five minuets late. People and traffic are crazy." 

"Hi Molly, yeah no problem at all let's get these demos done. we can then nitpick and also fix a few bits to then send to Nate and then. on to your brothers." The music studio always knew her as  Molly because when Merryn started she wanted no attachments to the industry what so ever. So in the studio she became Molly Marks. But Merryn then followed Blue's instructions and she began from the start of her book and played through the whole session. Half way through the session she got a call from Danny asking about dinner and what she wanted to order in this evening. 

"I am sorry Bro, I am out this evening. you and Harry will have to see if the others want to go and get something." 

"wait really, where are you going?"

"I am not sure, I am meeting up with someone that's all I am saying now go ask someone else I am sorting your demos." Merryn demanded as she hung up on her brother and then continued to work with the studio for another half hour. Before she knew it she had completed the session and was free to go about her day. Which wasn't very exciting for the next few hours, as she had many emails to answer regarding her brothers in London. 

As Merryn walked home that day she could feel that someone was following her, she hadn't really been followed before. but some how one Paparazzi recognised her and once one begins they all descended onto Merryn asking all kinds of inappropriate questions. 

"Are you dating Harry Kline?!"

"what is your name girl." 

"what is your business with the Kid Kline band and there personal lives!" 

Suddenly Merryn was swarmed with flashes in her face and now there was layers upon layers of them. She couplet see her way out of it, eventually ending up just sitting in the middle of there stressed with men swarming her as she picked up her phone and rang the last person she contacted. 


"Help!" She screamed down the phone as the person then got a location ping. 

"I am on my way Merryn, what happened?" 

"I was walking home and then, I have no idea but Paps are swarming layers upon layers. I have no security!" 

Suddenly out of nowhere Merryn felt an arm wrap around her of a large muscular male. Then she heard a voice further back sounding muffled clearly trying to get to her and telling her it was all going to be fine. Once she was pulled out of the mess Merryn was hurled into a car and thats when she came face to face with her rescuer. 

"Hey M." He announced as she looked into his hazel eyes. 

"Thank you so much Tom." She sighed in relief, " I am sorry I took you away from whatever you were up to." 

"Please don't worry, I was just at home reading my script and watching TV. Plus how the hell did they recognise you and why the hell did they assume you were dating your brother?" 

"Ah, now thats a long story, but again no clue how they found me at all." Merryn spoke clearly in shock about the whole thing. Quickly Tom then walked her into the hotel and back to her penthouse.

"Are you okay, you didn't get hurt did you?" Tom asked finally checking her over when Merryn realised she had a cut on her arm. 

"Well, this hurts a little but I can patch that up no harm done. I mean I will be suing them individually and possibly using some defamation of character in there as well." Merryn announced showing how she dose business when it comes down to it. 

"Damn, I have never seen this side of you. But as your prospective date I want to look after you, and lucky for you I have a few plasters on me always." Tom spoke as he delved into his jacket pocket and pulled out a couple plasters, then ran to get some water and a cloth. Merryn simply smiled and the let him patch her up. once he had Merryn walked into the kitchen and grabbed some orange juice to be on the safe side with her lupus symptoms.

"Seriously thought Tom, thank you for coming down to save me. Also can you thank Kent for me as well. He knew how to get me out of there quickly." 

"It was nothing M, honest I am happy to be there for you anytime you need me." He spoke rubbing her back in comfort as they spoke for a few more minuets and then Tom left to get ready for their date in a few hours. 

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