Chapter 11

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Yesterday was a beautiful nightmare. On my end, it was a nightmare because of everything that happened with Noah, and the beauty was Colby and Stihl's engagement. I can’t believe I actually cried. It just reminded me of my parent’s engagement photos... only gayer.

I've been beating bricks against my head trying to figure out how all of this is going to work. They’re to be married and Noah and I are only dating. They'll want to be with each other at night and if Noah and I don’t work out, everyone will go their separate ways.

I won’t let Colby ruin his relationship for me. This is the happiest I've ever seen him and I'll fire him before I try to keep him from the man he loves. I want him and Curtis to be happy. They deserve to be happy together. They’re probably what true love looks like.

Noah and I both decided to go to work today. Well you can’t really consider what I've been doing work. I've spent most of the morning daydreaming about the amber eyed sex god with the fuck my silly hair and writing his name across sheets of paper.

I feel like a fourteen year old who just got her first boyfriend. He does something strange to me and I have to admit, I like it. I just don’t know how to handle my feelings. I'm afraid I'll end up confessing my feelings for him and him rejecting me... just like I did Derek.

My name is still hot but it’s not as hot as Derek's, whose name and face has been all over the news. There is a $5000 dollar reward for anyone who can lead the police to him. I finally heard the full story while preparing my morning coffee and watching the television.

Derek broke into the home of an elderly couple. He had been attempting to rob the family when the home owner came downstairs with a gun of his own. They got into a scuffle and the man drops his gun. The elderly woman comes downstairs just in time to see her husband being executed.

He ran from the home and the woman calls 911. They played the call on the news and it broke my heart. She was screaming and crying. It put me in mind of when I made the 911 call when my mom was murdered.

I'm going to make a private donation to the family of the victim. I feel kind of responsible for their loss. If I had never gotten involved with Derek, he may not have lost his marbles, and that man probably wouldn’t have died. I can’t fake affection though. I didn’t love Derek. He never once made me feel the way Noah does.

When Noah kisses me, it takes my breath. When he touches me, my skin tingles. And when he makes love to me I feel so special. I just want to tangle myself up in him and never let go. He makes me feel. Before, I used to be emotionless. Since I met him, I've shown more emotions than I have in my entire life.

There is a knock at my door and I jump, since Officer Denver said Derek may be watching me, I've been paranoid. "Come in!" I shout. The door creeps open and in walks Noah carrying a two dozen white roses. His eye is still a bit swollen but he's able to open it today.

I actually think it makes him sexier. It gives him that bad boy look and it’s a major turn on for me. I've always had a thing for bad boys. I like them bad but not insane. I bite my lip as I notice how edible he looks in his tailored pinstripe suit. I quickly slide the papers with his name scribbled on them under a manila folder. He smirks as he puts the flowers on my desk. "These are for you."

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