The Author Blabbing Again: Your Opinion

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Sooo what should I do with Derek? Of course he'll go to prison but what should I do before he's caught? Also, those of you who read Colby's P.O.V. What did you think? I'm obviously a girl so I dont know what activities gay men participate in.

I have a lot of gay family members but it would be strange to walk up to my family and say "Hey, how do gay men do during sex?" I'd get this look O_o or they might go into explicit detail, then I'd feel like I know waaayyy to much information.

What is your overall opinion on the story? I know it needs more BDSM but dont forget we have 2 books to go. I dont want to push my character quickly since theyre both amature submissives. Theyre as some would say, "taking baby steps."

Who do you think should say I love you first? And where would you guys see their relationship going? Will Gabrielle ever open up? I would also like to know who your favorite characters are and if you think theyre well developed.

Is the plot good? Does the story keep you guessing? Do you get pissed off when you get to then end of the chapter because its over?

I know I'm asking a lot of questions but I need some constructive critisism! Every writer needs that! Just drop a line or two telling me what you opinion is.

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