Chapter 3 (Extended Fix)

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My week passes in a blur. Derek hasnt called and Noah seems to have gotten the picture. I havent seen him, Mr. Stihl, or seen that mystery gift and I'm grateful for that. Everything is relatively back to normal but I cant stop thinking about him. I recieved the background check on Mr. Williams but found nothing that interested me.

He's 29 years old. He was born in Hollywood, California. His parents are Elaine and Tommy Williams, the most successful business owners in New York and California. He's democrat, Catholic, and not currently in a relationship.

Its no surprise to me with his pushiness, stalker tendensies, and eat-your-heart-out smile. If that is what he does to all the women he's approached I would run too. I just dont understand some men.

The fundraiser is tonight in the Carrington ballroom in Manhatten. I'm oddly excited. Elsa Grande came by yesterday to pick up the dress. She absolutely loved it. I could have lived without her squealing and hugging me. I hate hugs.

Until she jumped me, I hadnt been hugged by anyone since the day mom died. Its been ten years since I've let someone hug me. I wanted to beat her head against the side of her desk.

I hate physical contact unless I'm fucking.

I've decided to wear one of my own designs. I designed a dress, made it, and this will be the first time I've worn it. Its a red, one shoulder, gown with a large rose in black diamonds along the train. It was an expensive dress to make. There are about 2 million dollars worth of diamonds but at the time I made it, I had a submissive who bought and sold jewels so I got them for cheap.

I stand in the bathroom fully dressed, hair styled into an elegant bun, expensive jewelry around in my ears, around my wrists and neck. I look great but I cant seem to decide what I should do with my makeup. Dark as usual? Light and childlike? I cant stand the thought of looking like a child so I go for black and a smidge of red.

Elsa suggested I bring a date tonight. After the shit Derek pulled, I'd rather pull my own teeth out before I agree to another date. Colby goes every where with me so he'll do. He looks so handsome when he dresses up. I wonder if I could talk him into wearing something from my line.

I've called in my other body guard, Tallin, to escort Colby and me to the Carrington. Tallin is good but he is nowhere near as good as Colby. I only use him or and my other security for events like this. I have high hopes for tonight and I may snag a few offers for my designs.

"Everything is in order Ms. Bonnet," Tallin announces when I enter the living room. He stands with his hands held in front of him, legs parted, and a serious expression.

"Thank you Tallin," I mutter. "Is Colby ready to go?" As the question leaves my mouth, Colby steps out of his bedroom look acceptionally handsome. He wears a black perfectly tailored suit, a red vest underneath and a red rose pinned to the front of his jacket. His brown hair has been styled and his teeth are pearly white as he smiles at me.

"Decent enough Ma'am?"

"You look very handsome Colby."

"Thank you Ma'am, you look stunning yourself. Its going to be hard for me to keep the men off of you tonight." I smirk at him.

"Oh, I'm sure you can manage."

"Ma'am, if your ready..." Tallin trails off. I roll my eyes.

"Very well," I say as I grab my little black handbag.

We arrive at the Carrington, the ballroom has been decorated in red and white.There are an assortment of red and white flowers on the seventy five tables on one side of the room. The other half of the room is filled with dancing couples. Waiters and waitresses scurry around the room setting out food and serving drinks.

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