Chapter 6

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The week goes as fast as it came and Friday is here before I know it. The only good thing about today is that I can finally walk again... with a little assistance. I cant wear heals yet but I'm just glad to be back on my feet.

Being in that wheelchair was aweful. Noah is acceptionally bossy when I'm injured. Take your medicine, dont drink too much, finish your dinner. He makes me feel a lot younger than I actually am. Like still have a bedtime young.

He let me work! It was WWIII getting there but I did it. We've been fighting like hell and before the fight can end, we've had sex. Rough, dirty, angry, biting , scratching sex, nothing remotely vanilla. I dont think vanilla people fight while they fuck, but what the hell would I know?

I step out of the shower onto the mat, grabbing the towel rack for support. My feet are still sore but I can live with it. I wrap another towel around my hair and wipe my hand across the foggy mirror and look at the reflection staring back at me.

I look different... so much different than I did a few weeks ago. The bags under my eyes have disappeared, no frown lines, and I actually have rosy cheeks today. Its such a strange sight. Its almost scary seeing myself this way.

I dry and straighten my hair, brush my teeth, then do my makeup in my usual dark colors. It seems like the only thing that hasnt changed is my makeup. I sigh and walk out of the bathroom.

Noah is fixing his red tie in the mirror. I didnt know you had to wear a suit to go see a shrink. "I picked you something out," He says nodding to the bed. I carefully limp over and sit down. I'm scared to put any weight on my feet so I've been walking on my heels.

He has chosen a a tan dress I've never worn and brown flats. I frown. Light colors arent my thing. I usually go for blacks, reds, grays or dark purples. I rarely wear white or anything like it. "You may need to change your makeup, I dont think those colors really... go."

I roll my eyes at him. "Maybe you should go back in the closet and try it again. I dont wear light colors. He scolds me.

"Why did you buy it then?" I shrug.

"I didnt buy it, it was a gift from a co-worker."

"Put it on, Gabrielle," He orders.

"No," I snap. "What if I want to choose my outfit? Since you've been here you've controlled what I've done and worn. I can pick my own damn clothes. I've dressed myself for 20 years, I dont need anyones help now." His features harden and he is mad. Oh well...

"You are so difficult! Do what you want, just hurry up. We're going to be late." He grabs his jacket and walks out of my room, slamming the door behind him. I let out a big breath of air. He's the difficult one. Lets see how he likes being pushed around when we get to his house.

I go into the closet and put the light colors back. I exchange the brown shoes for black ones and grab a comfy, red, sweater dress from the racks. I get dressed, not really rushing. I know it will piss Noah off if he's late but he's pissed me off every day for two weeks. When I finish, I grab my purse off the dresser and slowly make my way down stairs.

"We're late Gabrielle," Noah snaps when I reach the bottom.

"Its not like I can run around, Noah. I still have two stitches in my feet." He exhales with frustration.

"I got the keys to the XK from Colby, I'm driving."

"No, I'm driving," I say. He narrows his eyes at me. "Its my car, Noah. I bought it with my well earned money, I should at least be able to drive it." He huffs and tosses me the keys.

"Fine, just dont kill me." I grin at him and skip towards the elevator. I hope he brought a change of clothes, I may end up giving him something else to tell his shrink.

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