Chapter 9

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"Ms. Bonnet, you have a Jessica Williams here, she'd like to speak with you." Jordan says as she pops into my office. She's been a lot calmer today which is good. I sigh and rub my temples.

"Send her in," I mutter sullenly. On any other day I would be yelling and screaming at my employees, but today, today I just want to hide in my office under my paperwork. Now Jessica is here which just adds to my stress.

Jessica taps lightly on my door before stepping inside. She frowns as she gazes at me. "Are you ok?" She mutters. "Noah told us everything. I cant believe someone would tell such lies on you." Lies? Noah must have given his family a different story, which I'm completely grateful for. I actually like his family.

I cant imagine what they'd say, well I know what Micah would say. "Hell fucking yea!" and "Oh, by the way, you look extremely fuckable today." I bet Elaine was disgusted when she saw the news and the papers.

"I'm ok Jessica, it will all blow over." I lie, as I speak like its nothing. It may blow over here but if "What brings you here today?" She hesitates momentarily.

"Well, I just wanted to check on you. Noah said you were working so I figured I would invite you to lunch or something." I roll my eyes at her.

"Noah would have a fit if I went out with no security or protection." Jessica giggles.

"Gabrielle, as soon as I walked in the lobby I was questioned as to why I am here, if I have an appointment, if I'm a reporter, for identification, every question in the book. Security is covered. The only reason I even got up is because of Colby." My eyes widen.

"How many are there?" I gasp. God, Noah probably has the US army downstairs.

"About seven... teen," She mutters.

"That many?" I gasp in shock. She nods and bites her cherry red lip.

"You must be really important to him."

"How so?" She rolls her eyes.

"I saw the shot he took at the photographer. He only fights for things that mean something to him. And he's got the fucking Navy Seals down stairs, for Christ's sake." I sigh and lean back in my chair.

"He took down the picture of his fiance, you know?"

"Is that bad?" She asks with a confused look on her pretty, pale, face.

"Yes,"I nearly yell. "He loves her and I know he only took it down to make me more comfortable."

"Gabrielle, Noah is putting his past behind him. If he still loved her, that picture wouldnt have moved, trust me."

"What does he say about me?" I ask hesitantly, trying to hide my blush. She giggles and sits down at the chair in front of my desk.

"I've never heard him speak so highly of anyone." She says with honesty in her voice. "He says youre tough, very tough, but youre strong, beautiful, and open minded. He says youre an excellent dancer also." She winks at me and I flush. "I think youre probably the best thing thats happened to him." Yea right, I've never been a "best thing" to anyone, not my mother anyway.

I'd hate to play the blame game with my dead parents but this is sort of their fault. I cant really blame my dad because his death was an accident. My mom basically signed her own death certificate when she married that man. She should have never let things go as far as they did.

She was supposed to do what any smart mother would do, take your kid and run. She was supposed to keep me safe and she failed. She got herself killed for "love". If it were really love, I'd be having lunch with her today, I wouldnt be Gabrielle Bonnet, and I wouldnt be being exploited.

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