Chapter 10 (Noah, Gabrielle, Colby P.O.V)

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•Warning• This chapter contains explicit boyxboy content. If you are uncomfortable reading such material, skip the section labeled •Warning boyxboy straight ahead•

I hold her naked body in my arms, having been this way most of the morning. I enjoy holding her in my arms. I enjoy this more than work, dominating, and sex all together. Just being close to her helps me to forget all of my problems.

I'm falling in love with her and I know it. When she said what she said last night, it hit me hard. I know I scared the shit out of her but I was silently praying that when I asked her if she loved me, she would have said yes.

Dont get me wrong, I still dont think I deserve to love anything, much less her. She's just so different, I cant help but feel the things I feel for her. How can I be in love with someone I barely know? I know her body more than I know her soul. It bothers me that she refuses to talk about her past. I want to know a number of things that I know she wont tell me.

I want to know who used to cut her hair off, I want to know what happened to her mother, I want to know what broke her so badly to make her this person. I've told her my reason for being the way I am but all I can sum up with her is that she had a bad childhood. I want to know who and why.

She still cries in her sleep on occasion. Since the whole Derek thing, its gotten a little worse. Her words have changed from her usual "no" and "please" to "No, please dont hurt him." I dont know who "him" is but its obvious he's important to her.

I'm honestly afraid to tell her what I've heard her say in fear that she'll shut me out, or worse, leave me. I ask myself sometimes which would hurt most, the pain I felt when my fiance died or the pain I'll feel when... if she leaves me. I honestly think losing Gabrielle would kill me.

This is how I know I love her. I break my back everyday to make sure she's happy. I found her family. I know deep down thats what she needed. It was bad timing having them come here but the weather in France is bad so this was the most convenient time for them.

Gabrielle groans and rubs her eyes. Her long eyelashes rise and reveal those stunningly beautiful green eyes. She smiles up at me. "Hello handsome," She mutters.

"Hello beautiful," I say as I kiss her lips. She sits up in bed, stretching her body out, her bones popping as she repositions them.

"Did I sleep long?" She asks. I shrug a bit.

"Just a few hours. You needed the rest after last night." Her cheeks turn a rosy shade. I decide to tease her a little. "So, how do you like being my girlfriend?" She blushes.

"Its different," She says finally. I cock my head slightly to the side.

"How so?" I question.

"I told you I didnt date. Youre my first boyfriend." She says almost shyly. When she said she didnt date, I thought she meant it like a "I've dated but I dont anymore" type of way.

"Not even as a kid?" I ask completely astonished. She shakes her head.

"I wasnt the prettiest or the nicest girl on the playground." I frown. I'm nearly positive she was the most gorgeous thing on the monkey bars.

"Youre probably just saying that because you think so low of yourself." I state.

"Well you havent seen my school pictures." She mutters lowly. No, but I'm pretty sure I can get a hold of a yearbook or two. From what the background check says, she graduated from Oceanview High School in New Jersey. I may drop by while she's working tomorrow.

"How about we get dressed and I take your family shopping?" I suggest. She frowns.

"What about all of those jackasses with camera's?" I think for a few moments. How can I get her out of this house without her being bombarded by paparazzi? A light goes off in my head.

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