Side Character 9 Backstory

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Born under the watchful gaze of Nemesis, goddess of balance and retribution, Ravenna Moore developed an unshakeable moral compass from a young age. Fairness and justice were her guiding principles, often leading to clashes with her mischievous half-siblings, Finley and Greta. Her father, Daniel, a gentle soul who nurtured her love for books and quiet contemplation, was her anchor in a world that often felt chaotic.

Life after his sudden passing two years ago was a balancing act in itself. Clara, her stepmother, was kind but struggled to understand Ravenna's introspective nature. School became a minefield of navigating cliques and injustices that fueled her frustration and ignited occasional outbursts, much to her own mortification.

Then came the dreams. Vivid, unsettling visions of monsters, mythical creatures, and a place where she felt strangely at home. The fear they instilled was countered by a pull, a yearning for something more, something true. Sleep became a battleground, and exhaustion became a constant companion.

One particularly vivid dream led to a disaster. In a desperate attempt to stop a shadowy figure from harming an innocent bystander (in the dream, of course), Ravenna pushed a classmate, causing him to trip and break his arm. The guilt was immediate and overwhelming. Suspended from school and ostracized by her peers, she felt utterly alone.

That night, the dreams returned, but this time, they were different. A woman with piercing eyes and a knowing smile appeared, introducing herself as Nemesis. The truth, delivered in a whirlwind of information, was overwhelming: monsters were real, she was a demigod, and Camp Half-Blood awaited.

Escape, it seemed, wasn't just an option, it was a necessity. Leaving a tearful note for Clara, who, surprisingly, understood and supported her decision, Ravenna packed a single worn backpack and set off on her own, to the place from her dreams, Long Island Sound.

The trip to Camp Half Blood was a nightmare. Every turbulence felt like a harbinger of doom, and every glance from a fellow passenger triggered a wave of anxiety. Yet, through it all, the image of the scales, the symbol emblazoned on her gold necklace, a gift from her father, grounded her.

Arriving at Camp Half-Blood was like stepping into a world woven from her dreams. Acceptance, understanding, and the thrill of discovering her true abilities filled the void that had plagued her for so long. Training was a challenge, fueled by her atychiphobia, but her determination to prove herself and her unwavering sense of justice pushed her forward.

Now, three years later, Ravenna is a familiar face at camp. Still the bookworm, the only non-dyslexic demigod at camp, she reads the Iliad to the young children who's parents never told them the tales of the Achilles and Patroclus, nor the stories of Apollo and Hyacinthis, leading to acceptance for the children at camp who have decided their sexuality and identidy at a young age.

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