More Human Than Human Chapter Two

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I'm in a pair of faded jeans and a t-shirt and no makeup, with my hair pulled back in a bun. But I don’t know what to expect.

I walk inside. The place is huge and impressive, done in chrome, red velvet, and potted palm trees. A sexy young woman sits at the front desk.

I approach her.

“Hi,” I say nervously. “I’m here to… To try out your system.”

“Yes, ma’am. All I require is your name and age.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s all I need.”

“Noel. Noel Peterson. 26 years old.”

“Thank you, Miss Peterson. Now, the subject of price.” She writes a figure on a notepad, tears off the note, and hands it to me.

I almost choke when I read the figure. “That much?!”

“I assure you, after tonight, you will think the price most fair.”

It’s highway robbery what they’re charging. I’m about to leave, but I can’t deny my body’s need. I’m just too damn horny. With a sigh, I take out my checkbook and write her a check. She takes it and puts it in a drawer.

“Thank you very much, Miss Peterson. Now, I simply have to ask, What made you come to Pleasure Incorporated tonight?”

“Let’s just say I’m giving myself a little early Christmas present,” is the best I can think of.

“Perfect, Miss Peterson. Now, I’ll take you to the consulting room, where you will choose your pleasure synthetic.”

“Pleasure synthetic?”

“In other words, your company for the evening.”

We walk into what looks like a bar. Beautiful women are everywhere, and equally good-looking men. The DJ is playing retro dance music from the 1980’s. The bar is an island theme; a huge island in the center of the bar is filled with bottles.

“Care for a drink, Miss Peterson?” the young lady asks me.

“No, I’m okay,” I say.

“Well, Miss Peterson, take your pick.”

I look around. “They’re all… Synthetic?”

“Yes, but I assure you, you will be most pleased by their performance.”

I watch the men closely. My curiosity is piqued but I keep looking.

Then I spot him. Somewhat away from the crowd sits a man by himself nursing what looks like a martini. He is the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen, a young Adonis. He looks to be in his late twenties. Straight strands of platinum blond hair hang in his eyes, which are the purest steel gray I’ve ever seen. He wears black jeans and a black leather jacket with no shirt underneath. A smooth, beautiful, hairless expanse of muscular chest awards my vision.

He is watching me. His eyes are filled with the same lust I feel. I swallow hard.

“Him,” I say.

“Ah, Leon. Excellent choice,” the young lady says. She leaves me and walks towards Leon, and bends down and whispers something in his ear. His eyes never leave me as she speaks. They’re filled with heat. When she’s finished, Leon rises himself and follows her and me to a long corridor of rooms.

She takes us to one of the rooms, and unlocks the door, ushering Leon and me inside. “I’ll be at the front desk if you need me. And please, Miss Peterson, enjoy your evening,” she says, then closes the door behind her.

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