More Human Than Human Chapter Five

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I’ve got to see Leon. 

It’s late at night when I’m able to get to Pleasure Incorporated. 

“Hello, Vanessa,” I greet Miss Tobin at the desk. “I’m here to see Leon.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Peterson. Leon is no longer working for Pleasure Incorporated.”

“What?! But… Where is he?”

“That is all I have the capacity to say to you, Miss Peters. Now, if you are willing to try out a new pleasure synthetic, we can visit the consulting room.”

My mind reels. I’m in a panic. Where is Leon? I think. What have they done to him?

Something doesn’t feel right. Something feels fishy to me, so very, very wrong. But I decide to play along.

“Yes, that’s fine. A new synthetic… I’ll try out something new tonight. Please lead the way, Vanessa.”

“Very well, Miss Peterson.” She leads me to the consulting bar. I look around for Leon but don’t see him anywhere. But a synthetic who looks much like Charlie is sitting talking to another male synthetic. He looks like he’ll fit perfectly within my plan.

“He’ll do just fine,” I say, pointing to the man.

“Ah, Eric. Excellent choice, Miss Peterson. Come, I shall lead you both to your room for the evening.”


I force myself to have sex with Eric. It’s not pleasurable; it’s a chore. My mind is hell-bent on finding Leon within this maze-like place.

After Eric leaves me, I’m free to wander. I walk down the long hall of customers’ rooms. The usual sounds of moaning and sexual pleasure wander to my ears. I think of how sordid and creepy this place really is. 

There’s a door to the right of the hall. And another door. I try the first, but it won’t open. Then I try the second.

Mercifully, it opens. My eyes try to grow accustomed to the gloom. Finally, I locate a light switch. And to my horror, I see before me a huge room full of decommissioned pleasure synthetics in different, silent, haunting stances and positions. It’s like a room full of beautiful, human-like dolls.

I immediately spot Leon. He’s leaning against a wall, suspended in time and animation. But he looks as if he’s been hurt. There are scars on his face and chest…

What have they done to him? I think madly.

I see a small plethora of electrical gadgets and buttons near him, which are connected to wires that are in turn connected to his body. After trying many of the buttons, I seem to click something right. He awakens.

“Noel, oh my God, you saved me!” Leon cries, snapping the wires out from his body.

“Leon, what happened? Oh, what did they do to you?”

“It was terrible, Noel. The company is evil and corrupt. I’m afraid to tell you, Noel…”

“Tell me, Leon! Tell me what’s happening!”

“The company is making a synthetic version of you, Noel! They’re using my memories and experiences of you as their blueprints. And they knew I was falling in love with you, and they had me decommissioned. I tried to fight them off, but they got some of the other synthetics to subdue me… I tried to fight them off, but there were too many of them.”

“Leon, I’m so glad you’re not badly hurt!”

“Noel… Sweet Noel. I don’t know what’s happened to me. I don’t know if I’m becoming more human as time passes, but… It’s true. I’m deeply in love with you, Noel. I’ve never felt like this about anyone. I’ve never felt such painful emotions before. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

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