Chapter 1

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The Drunken donkey is a tavern if you want no one to question you that's the place to go. No one knew that they were drinking in the presence of a princess. Nova the princess of the High order sat at the end of the bar drowning her grief in alcohol. She has been on the run over a year now since the council murdered her family. They somehow managed to convince the kingdom that she murdered her family.

If she didn't get away she would be dead just like her parents and her brother. She is now the heir to the throne that no one wants her to sit at. For a while everyone that she was dead until one day she saw a wanted poster with her face on it saying Dead or alive.

Now she is traveling the lands with a crew who doesn't care who she is. She does now go by Livonna Canido keeper of the shadows. She hides the fact she is a high elf as disguising herself as a dark elf.

Her crew contains a barbarian dwarf named Bjorn, a hellborn demon named Kaia, and a Minotaur named Sigurd. She met Kaia when she was running from knights who spotted her. Kaia saw she was in trouble and brought her back to their hideout.

This crew of theirs is a group of ragtag criminals and outcast. Kaia is judged about being a demon by everyone thinking she is evil but she is the nicest demon you will ever meet. Sigurd is the best ranger around he never misses and is wanted in almost all the kingdoms for assassinating a bunch of higher ups and Bjorn's rage is unstable and the kingdom he is from wants him executed how dangerous he is.

The guys took a while to accept Nova but they know how dangerous her kingdom is. No one messed with the High order but the council. Nova's father was the most feared king in all the kingdoms. So they let up and accepted her.

"Livonna!" Nova snapped out of her thoughts to see Sigurd waving his hand in front of her face. Even though it's been a year of her using her fake name she still is not use to it. "Oh sorry what did you say?" Sigurd rolls his eyes and chugs his ale. "We need to go to the market tonight. We are running low on food."

Nova sinks in her seat. She hates going anywhere but the tavern and the hideout. She is terrified she will have to run again if someone notices who she is. "Can't Bjorn or Kaia go with you?" Sigurd pats her back and smiles. "Hey kid it will be okay."

"I just don't want to run anymore." Nova lays her head on the bar. "The council will never stop." Sigurd stood up and grabbed Nova arm. He pulled her out of the tavern, she dragged behind him. "Sig! Stop dragging me!" He lets go of her arm and turns towards her.

"You will never have to run as long as we are in your life. I mean it." Nova smiles and hugs the Minotaur. He pats her head and smiles. She was so tiny next to him. Even though she is an high elf she is very small. He is over 6'8 and she is only 5'2. "Thanks Sigurd it means a lot to me hearing you say that. It's nice to have a family again."

It took half a year for Sigurd to trust Nova but now she is like a little sister to him. He would protect this girl till the end of time. Especially knowing what happened to her a year ago. "Alright kid let's go before the market closes."

They bought a bunch of food and right before the market closed Nova saw a knight in High order armor. "Oh no! Sig we have to go!" She grabbed his arm and ran through the crowd. "Liv what did you see?" She had tears streaming down her down her face. Sigurd scooped her up in his arms and ran carrying her bridal style. "What did you see?"

"A high order knight." Sigurd eyes widen and looked behind him while still running to see if the knight was following them. He ran right into someone and Nova fell out of his arms. "Shit I'm so sorry..." There stood a high order knight she had long blonde hair, blue eyes, a zigzagged shaped scar on her right eyebrow and she is a human and that's uncommon for a knight in the high order.

"Found you." The knight said and grabbed Nova's arm. She was about to drag her away but Sigurd punched the knight in the face and knocked her down. "Let's go!" Nova stood there looking at the knight. She was mesmerized by her piercing blue eyes.

"Livonna!" Sigurd picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. He ran the opposite direction from the knight. The whole time he ran Nova stared into the knight's eyes.

"What the hell was that?!" Sigurd yelled at Nova when they finally got back to the hideout. "Did you want her to catch you?!" He paced back and forth and threw his arms around.

Nova sat there staring at her feet. She has never seen this knight before all the other knights she has seen she knew when she still lived in her kingdom, but this knight she was new and something drew Nova to her.

"Nova!" She whipped her head to see Kaia running up to her. "Are you okay?!" Kaia looked Nova up and down to make sure she wasn't injured. "I'm okay." Nova said so quietly. "Why did you freeze up?" Kaia sat next to her and put her hand on Nova's leg.

"That knight she is new. She is human." Sigurd sighed loudly and fell backwards into the couch. "So her being human made you freeze that's a ridiculous excuse." Kaia throws a pillow at him and he growls at her. "Nova why did that make you freeze?"

"I don't know something just drew me to her." She sighed and put her head in her hands. "Maybe her trying to kill you drew you to her." Bjorn walked in and smirks when he says that. "Will you both stop being dicks to her!" Kaia stood up and dragged Nova into the kitchen.

"You need to be more careful especially with this new knight around. What does she look like so I can keep an eye out?" Nova thought about her piercing blue eyes. "Blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, tall, a zigzag scar on her eyebrow." Kaia's eyes widen and took a step back.

"Did you say a zigzag scar on her eyebrow?" Nova looked at her confused and nodded yes. "Nova that's Thalia the Fearless. She is one of strongest warriors out there. This is not good she has never failed to kill someone." Kaia ran her hand through her hair and sighed.

"Shit Kaia what am I going to do!? I'm going to need to run again!" Nova hugs Kaia and cries into her shoulder. "You don't have to run again we will protect you. But best thing to do is stay put. Do not leave here under any circumstances till I find out if she is gone." Nova shook her head yes into Kaia's shoulder.

Back at the market Thalia questioned a bunch of vendors to find out where the princess went. No one knew who she was talking about. She got pissed and flipped a table and stormed off to the closest inn.

"You got any rooms tonight?" She leaned against the counter and glared at the  Orc who was working the desk. "Uh yes Ma'am 5 gold for a room." Thalia sighed and threw 5 gold coins on the counter and snatched the key out of the Orc's hand.

When she got to the room she removed her armor and collapsed onto the bed. Her nose hurt so bad she had to pop it back in place after that Minotaur punched her. Of course the princess found someone to protect her. Make her look helpless and innocent but we all know she murdered her family.

Thalia sat up quick and remembered the Minotaur called her Livonna, Thalia smirked. "You foolish man now I know what to do."

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