Chapter 3

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Thalia met up with the other knights at the market they were so confused why she was a hour late. "Did you find anything? Why are you late?" Thalia grabbed an apple from a booth and tossed a coin at the cashier. "I was following a lead but hit a dead end." They nodded and waiting for her to dismiss them. "Just go already!" They jumped up scared of her.

She walked to the tavern where she just was a couple of hours ago. She really needs a drink.

Nova is scared Thalia will go back in her word and either try to kill her still or tell the kingdom she couldn't get her and they send someone else. She is so tired running from knights and bounty hunters.

Only thing about Thalia that is different from the others is that Nova cares if something happens to her. She opened up to Nova about losing someone and Nova got this feeling that Thalia trusted her in a way.

Nova jumps out of thought when Kaia puts a needle through her hand. "God damn it that hurts!" Kaia I had to stitch up the wound Bjorn's axe inflicted. "Well maybe if you let her protect herself you wouldn't be hurt." Nova glared at Kaia and sighed. "I can't explain it okay I know you want me to but I just can't!"

Kaia looked at Nova with a concerned look. She has never seen Nova so upset before. She has seen her sad before but never been angry like this. "Nova it's okay not knowing why you do something. But I think you have a lot of unanswered questions. Maybe you should find her and talk to her."

Nova sighed and watched Kaia finish up her hand. "What if she changes her mind and tries to kill me?" Sigurd walks up behind her and puts his hand on her shoulder. "Then she will have to deal with us. Only reason she wasn't hurt or killed the first time is because of you."

Nova wrapped her hand with some gauze and grabbed her sword that was still on the floor from earlier. "I need to talk to her now." She walked to the door and looked back to see all three of them following her. "We got your back kid." Bjorn smiled but Nova noticed he was missing a tooth. Thalia definitely did that to him, he was so pissed she knocked him out.

"So where are we looking first?" Nova was so nervous she knew there was other high order knights with Thalia and doesn't want to run into them looking for her. "Let's check the Inn then the tavern if she is not at either we can check the market."

Sigurd went into the inn to ask about Thalia so Nova wouldn't be seen by travelers and knights. The orc at the counter seemed scared of Thalia and said she left this morning and haven't come back but the other knights are in their rooms. They left quick so they won't be spotted by the other knights.

When they arrived at the tavern Nova went up to the bartender. "Leon have you seen a knight with long blonde hair and a scar on her eyebrow?" He smirked and pointed at the end of the bar where they usually sit. "Funny she was looking for you earlier today and knocked out Bjorn." If he only knew why she was looking for Nova.

The crew sat a booth near the bar so they can keep an eye on them. Nova walked over to Thalia so nervous. "Thalia." She turned towards Nova and gave her a small smile. "Hey there princess." Thalia's word slurred and Nova sat next to her.

"How much have you had to drink?" Thalia looked at her hand and struggled to hold up 3 fingers up. "I need to talk to you but not like this. Let's get you back to the inn." Thalia laid her head on the bar and sighed. "I don't want to go back there. The knights will bug me. I live at this bar now." I look over at my crew and they all looked worried.

"Okay let's go you are staying at our place tonight." She lift her head and smiled. "You don't want to get rid of me don't you." I blushed and looked forward so she wouldn't see. "I just don't want anything to happen to you." Thalia leaned into Nova and laid her head on Nova's shoulder.

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