Chapter 2

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Even though Thalia is human she is one of the most powerful knights out there. She has slayed every monsters and dragons she has ever fought and never failed to kill anyone she was after.

She saw the bounty poster the council posted about Nova and she was excited for a challenge. No one seems to stand a chance against Nova. She always got away and Thalia made it her personal goal to get her.

Thalia met up with two other high order knights at the market she last saw the princess. "Question everyone around about an elf named Livonna and meet me back here in 2 hours." The knights were confused and looked at each other. "What does an elf named Livonna have to do with the princess?"

Thalia sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "That's the name she has been going by." Both the knights nodded and ran off in the same direction. "Spilt up you idiots!" They jumped and ran in different directions.

"I can't stand working with others but the council insisted." She sighed and walked to a tavern nearby.

Thalia walked up to the bar and waved down the bartender. "Do you know of an elf named Livonna?" The bartender said he did and pointed over to a group at the end of the bar. "That's her crew right there." Thalia looked over saw a demon, a dwarf and the same Minotaur that Nova was with yesterday.

"What are we going to do? We can't fight Thalia she will kill us but she won't stop going after Liv." Kaia rubbed her temples. "You're right I would kill you." All three of them jumped and looked behind them to see Thalia. They all grab their weapons ready to fight.

Thalia smirks and looks at how angry they all looked. "You could fight me or you can go save the princess. My knights are already there." Kaia's eyes widen and she runs towards the door. "Wait Kaia she can be tricking us!" Sigurd runs after her. "And she might be telling the truth!" They run out of the tavern.

Bjorn swings his battle axe towards Thalia. She dodged it and the axe went into the floorboards. Bjorn growls and throws a punch at her. She kept dodging all his attacks. He tried to punch her one more time and she roundhouse kicked him into the bar and knocked him out.

"You idiot I'm gonna lose them." She runs out and spots Sigurd and Kaia running towards the woods. She hangs back a little and follows them.

Kaia and Sigurd burst into the living room and Nova jumped up from the couch scared and confused. "Why are you guys so frantic? Where's Bjorn?" Her face drops and she goes pale.

Kaia and Sigurd turned around and saw Thalia standing there. Sigurd throws a punch at her but she slides under his legs and shoved him and Kaia out the door and locks it. She turns towards Nova and smirks.

Thalia runs towards her with her sword ready. She swings her sword at Nova and she dodged it. "Thalia please listen to me you don't know the truth!" Nova jumps over the couch and Thalia slices through the couch. "I do know the truth you murdered your family and you need to be punished!"

Thalia swings her sword and Nova catches her arm and holds it up. "Please hear me out!" Thalia pulls away and glares at Nova. All of sudden Sigurd kicks the door open and aims his bow at Thalia. "No Sigurd don't!" Nova jumped in front of Thalia and deflects the arrow with a sword she conjured.

"Shit Nova are you okay!?" Sigurd stands down and Nova ignores him and turns towards Thalia. Thalia was shocked Nova would risk being shot for someone trying to kill her. "Why did you do that? Why did you turn your back away from me, I could have stabbed you."

"I know you are just trying to kill me because the council sent you and told you the lies they have been telling everyone. You seem way smarter than any of the knights they have sent so if anyone would listen to me I believe you would." Nova dropped the sword in her hand and sat on the part of the couch that wasn't sliced up.

"Will you please listen to me? If you still don't believe me you can just kill me I can't live like this anymore." Thalia was shocked no one has responded to her like this before. "You have 5 minutes to explain yourself and your friends have to behave or I'll kill them too."

Nova nodded and pointed to the chair in front of her. "You sit and you two go find Bjorn." Sigurd was going to protest but Kaia knew Nova meant business and dragged Sigurd outside.

"Okay so I know the council told you that I murdered my family and that I'm on the run because I'm guilty but that's not true. You have met the council so you know how suspicious and creepy they are." Thalia nodded her head yes and thinks about the council they consists of three dark elves two men and one woman. Weird for a High elf council to be dark elves.

"Okay so my family and I were having breakfast one morning and the council came into the room and my father got mad that they were interrupting and Delsa stabbed my father in the throat. We all were in shock she did that but before my mother or brother could do anything Alric and Teras slit their throats." Nova had tears streaming down her face reliving the worse moment in her life.

"Then why are you on the run? They spared you." Thalia felt like she should comfort the girl in front of her but that's against everything she was doing here. "You don't get it. I didn't get killed right away because there is only three of them and the rest of my family was more of a threat to them. Everyone always thought of me as a weak elf because my height and never took me serious."

Nova sighed and looked into Thalia's blue eyes. "They only started caring about me when they noticed that they can't rule my kingdom if I'm still alive and heir to the throne. So they made it seem like I murdered my family and kept sending knights to kill me."

Thalia looked at Nova her hands were shaking, tears streaming down her face and her leg was bouncing. Nova stared at the ground scared what Thalia was going to say. "Damn I think you might be right." Nova looked up quick into Thalia's eyes.

"What did you say?" Nova was shocked that Thalia believes her. "I believe you. I know what's it like to have someone you love murdered." Thalia sighed and thought about her father.

Nova jumped up into her feet and grabbed Thalia's hands. "Will you help me take my kingdom back? I heard you are one of the best warriors out there."

Thalia pulled her hands away and looked at Nova so confused. "Why are you so trusting I was just trying to kill you a moment ago?! And why would I want to do that!?" Nova frowned and sat back down.

"I know you can't go back there empty handed so I was thinking you can bring me back as a fake prisoner and help me take my kingdom back. I trust you because I see a good person in your eyes." No one has ever given Thalia this type of kindness before so she had her walls up.

"No I won't help you. I need to go." She stood up to walk out and the door was kicked open by the Dwarf she knocked out. "You bitch!" He ran towards her with his axe but before he can swing at her Nova caught the blade of his axe.

Blood dripped down her hand and she glared at Bjorn. "No one is hurting her." He jumped back and gave Nova a concerned look. "Nova! Your hand!" Kaia ran over to Nova and held a rag against it.

Nova stayed quiet and stared at the blood seeping into the rag. "Nova why do you keep saving me? I can protect myself." Thalia was really concerned for the princess. Nova looked up at Thalia and frowned. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it.

Thalia looked at Bjorn and Sigurd glaring at her. "I'm not going to kill her. I believe her." Thalia walked out and looked behind her to look into Nova's Emerald green eyes. They looked so lost so empty.

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