Chapter 4

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When Thalia and Nova got back to the hideout, Kaia ran up to Nova and hugged her. "I'm so sorry of course I want to live with you in your kingdom!" Kaia was crying and Bjorn sighed because he just finally calmed her down.

"It's okay Kaia I'm not upset with you." Nova hugged her back and Thalia glared at Sigurd. "What you got a problem with me?" Sigurd snarled and leaned forward in his seat.

"Hey! You are not being mean to her. She was the only one who went after me when YOU hurt my feelings." Nova let go of Kaia and clenched her fist. "Nova stop doing that!" Kaia grabbed Nova's hand she popped all her stitches by now.

Sigurd looked at Nova shocked he didn't know why she was being so protective over a girl who tried to kill her. "She is just after your bounty Nova! She doesn't care about you!" He stood up and walked over to Nova. Thalia stepped in front of Nova and stood chest to chest with Sigurd. She was a foot shorter than him but it didn't matter to her.

"I'm not after her bounty asshole. I actually think that she would make a great queen unlike what you her so called friend thinks." Nova smile slightly at Thalia but her smiled dropped when she looked at Sigurd.

He snarls and raises his fist to punch her. Bjorn put his hand on Sigurd's leg, Kaia stood behind Nova, Thalia stood there glaring at him waiting for him to try something and Nova looked like she was going to snap.

"Sigurd calm down before things get out of hand." Bjorn stepped in between Sigurd and Thalia. "Are you really defending someone who knocked you out?" Bjorn rolled his eyes and looked at Nova. "I'm defending someone the kid cares for." He gave Nova an apologetic look.

Sigurd snorts and storms out of the hideout. Thalia sighs in relief she was ready to stand her ground but didn't want to have to pop her nose back in place again. Bjorn turns to look at Thalia and cross his arms. "You better not make me regret doing that."

"Thank you Bjorn." Nova hugged Bjorn and he smiled. "Anything for you kid." Nova turned towards Thalia and frowned. "I'm really sorry Sigurd has never been like this before." Thalia put her hand on Nova's hurt hand. "Don't apologize for someone else being an asshole. Now let's go get your hand cleaned up."

Sigurd stormed towards the Tavern and saw a bunch high order knights and one looked like a general telling them orders. "Shit they must know something is up. That idiot Thalia probably sent for them." He really didn't like her and wants to get her away from Nova.

He walked over to the general. "Can I help you sir?" Sigurd sighed and thought about what he was going to say. "I think you should know that Thalia the fearless has gone behind your back and is working with the princess. Her room is 214 at the inn."

The general shook his head in disappointment and then smiled. "Thank you sir here's something for your trouble." He hands Sigurd a small bag of gold coins. Sigurd left and smiled to himself.

After Thalia cleaned up Nova's hand she grabbed her armor and was about to leave. "Wait you can't go." Nova grabbed her arm so she couldn't walk away. "Why princess?" Nova sighed and looked at the front door. "Sigurd is still out there and I don't want you guys to fight."

Thalia kneeled in front of Nova and put her hand on Nova's cheek. Red creeped across Nova's face. Thalia smiled at Nova blushing. "I can take care of myself princess. I'll come back tomorrow to plan our kingdom takeover."

Nova nodded her head yes because she was speechless. "Get some rest princess you look exhausted." Thalia walked out to the Inn. Nova sat there for about a minute till Bjorn cleared his throat.

Nova jumped up and looked at him. "Did you see that?" He nodded and sat next to her. "I did and even though she knocked my tooth out of my mouth she seems like a good kid." He leaned back into the couch and Nova smiles at him. "Thank you for giving her a chance. I really think she was misinformed and just needs someone on her side like all of us did."

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