pose for the fans mcs

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The quartet of friends were walking around trying to look for a nice place to eat, that's when they spotted a McKing. Tyrone looked at the name of the fast-food place and laughed.

"Hahaha! Seriously 'McKing'?? Are they going to have an 'Impossible Big McWhopper' in there? Haha!!!" He was cracking up. "Well, maybe one of them went out of business?" Sally concluded.

"You mean every single fast-food restaurant of whichever went out of business? Over what?! Why'd they combine?! Sounds stupid!" Jesse argued, while fixing the strap on her backpack. "Can we, for the love of god, just get in and eat, I'll gladly pay so you guys can be quiet, and we can hurry up and start ordering." Mat said, getting tired of those two always arguing.

"Yeah, as if." Jesse said, under her breath. As the four walked in, they noticed something strange...

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