king gunwarth's arrival. woa

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The four prepared to run away, but to their surprise, the giant robot landed and spoke before they could run. "Greetings, humans. I am King Gunwarth, the leader of the robot army. I have been monitoring your actions, and I must say, I am impressed that you guys had the guts to try and fight some of my robots."

The quartet looked at each other in confusion. "Impressed? We just got our butts kicked by some fast-food robots! You're impressed by that?!" Sally said annoyed and still trying to wipe the ketchup and mustard off her clothes.

King Gunwarth just looked at them. "Yes, indeed. It's not every day I see humans fighting back against my minions. Most just run away screaming. But you guys, you've got spunk. I like that."

Jesse raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "What? You're saying that even the dang army isn't fighting you guys off still?!" He just shook his head no. "Oh, no, not at all! We have come to a truce, for a while. Anyways, I appreciate a good challenge. In fact, I've decided to spare your lives. Consider it a reward for entertaining me. But there is one condition." Mat sighed, "Of course, there's always a catch. What do you want? To preach to people why robots are 'good'?"

"Ah, sorry I only believe God's Word, no offense man, like totally respect your religion, but I'm a woman of God-" "Sally you don't even go to church." Tyrone cut her off. "But I still am Christian!"

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