mat is ugly and betrays all

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King Gunwarth shook his head again. "No. I'd just like you four to join my army. You have some... hidden potential." The four cautiously backed up. "Ohhhohohoo, NO! Hidden potential I'd love to keep hidden. I'm good man. I don't want to become a brain-dead robot for your stupid army. Didn't you guys already win the war?! Is it not enough?!" Mat pointed a finger at the big robot.

"I understand your reluctance humans, but hear me out." Tyrone stiffled a laugh. "Pfft- he said the thing-" King Gunwarth continued.

"The war may be over, but there are still challenges ahead. My army seeks to maintain.... peace and order in this new world, and I believe your skills could be invaluable in achieving that goal I am striving for."

Sally scoffed, crossing her arms. "Yeah, right. What peace and order?! Are you our president?? You're acting mighty suspicious man. You could just enslave all of us and make us do your bidding, but you want to have 'peace and order'??"

Jesse nodded in agreement. "We're not interested in becoming your robot minions, no matter how much you flatter us... But continue the flattery."

Tyrone stepped forward, his expression serious. "Listen, King Gunwarth. We're glad you didn't kill us, but we have no intention of joining your ar-"

"I'll join." Mat blurted out. "MAT?!"

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