Chapter 8

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Sqwee snapped back to reality as he watched the distance decrease, but, a split second before he could even open his mouth to shriek, the cheetah uncoiled and, in one smooth move, leapt out of the collision zone! Sqwee landed hard on the solid ground, lost his balance and tripped over, his nose twitching in the dust cloud. The cheetah sauntered over towards the dazed wild dog.

"Very careless actions, young wild dog, but you might have just saved this young human pet!"

Raja started in shock. He had not noticed the cheetah until Niya shouted to Sqwee, as the colour and length of the grass had camouflaged the animal perfectly. Niya, being tall, had picked up the cheetah before them all. Niol and Niya walked close beside Raja now, providing him with some comfort, but he still felt nervous at the thought that he had almost been eaten!

"We are just passing and the human pet is with us," Niol stated regally.

The cheetah turned and circled Sqwee, looking at Niol with a sly grin. "No need to get protective over your food. We can share, don't you think?"

Niol glared down at the cheetah grimly. "We are just passing and the human pet is with us!" he repeated firmly.

The cheetah continued to grin at Raja before climbing up a giant boulder. He stared down at Niol and his group for a little while, then tauntingly stated, "You may pass."

Raja could feel the cheetah's eyes boring into him long after they had passed, but he kept his gaze forward and marched on resolutely. The ache in his head was becoming worse, but he ignored it, pretending that he was fine. Niol, noticing his demeanour, decided they needed to stop.

"The journey is still a long way from over, but I suggest we stop to rest once we pass the human road just over that mound," Niol commented.

Sqwee and Raja looked at each other, eyes sparkling. This meant a race! Without a second thought, both animals darted off, jumping over shrubs and dodging small trees on their way to the mound. Niol and Niya smiled as Raja made it to the mound first and barked in triumph! He danced and hopped as he watched the annoyed Sqwee slide up, panting.

The stream was still quite a distance away, but Raja did not mind, as he had loved the hike thus far. He could see a man-made road that they had to cross if they were to continue to the stream. Raja lowered his head, worrying suddenly that he might be spotted by one of the many cars that were passing. A few of the cars were actually slowing as the passengers peered at something on the edge of the road. Raja stared intently and could just make out a bunch of bird-like creatures. Some seemed to be standing in a row watching the cars go past, while another bunch was running across the road.

Niol smiled at the quizzical look on Raja's face. "Guinea fowl," he commented. "The young ones play this game every day and never seem to tire of it! Let's go down to the large bush just behind them and watch."

Niol and his group very carefully made their way down towards the road. The few cars that had stopped had now left, but the road was still relatively busy, with a car passing every few minutes. They made it to the bottom and hid behind the bush pointed out by Niol. As they lay behind the bush, Raja listened to the remaining four youngsters who had not crossed the road yet.

"I'm winning!"

"Not for long!"

"I'm going to beat all of you!"

"Red one!"

A red car drove past and Raja grinned. These little birds were shouting out the colour of every car that passed. Niol smiled as he saw the understanding dawn on Raja's face.

"Yep, they're spotting cars! They come down close to the road every day and spot the different-coloured cars. They enjoy the game, and it also attracts the attention of the humans, as at least every third car slows to take a picture. If they only knew that they were not the only ones doing the spotting!"

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