Chapter 5

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“Please get back into your vehicle!” boomed a loud authoritative voice.

The two visitors turned to their right to see a ranger vehicle approaching, and they slowly lowered themselves back into the car.

“Rangers, you are not going to believe me, but I just saw a dog riding a lion. Just a normal household dog....”

The excited chatter was abruptly cut off by the ranger. “Even if that is true, you should not exit your vehicle! A fine will be imposed and we have the right to have you removed from the park. We will be recording your registration details and if you are caught again exiting your vehicle we will have you escorted off the park premises.”

“I’m sorry, Rangers; this will not happen again, but…” The man stopped, doubt creeping into his mind at the look on the ranger’s face.

Everyone scanned the area intently, then the rangers shook their heads and continued driving down the road. The area was empty.

Niol and Raja lay low below the grass watching the ranger’s vehicle drive off, waiting, but the Land Rover did not move. Niol had quickly dropped to his knees when he heard the ranger’s instructions, and rolled Raja off his back into the thick grass, motioning him to stay absolutely still. The two of them lay silently watching the Land Rover and the human peering out through the window in search of them. Raja was trying hard to slow his breathing, which he thought was loud enough to attract the tourist’s attention. At the moment Niol had dropped and rolled, the still-present thought of being eaten had flashed into his mind, and his heart was only now slowing at the realisation that Niol had actually just protected him.

Another fifteen minutes passed before the Land Rover decided to move on. Niol could see the female human, pink in the face, shouting at the male.

“I’m sure he was the only one who spotted us,” whispered Niol. “This could have been a total disaster if it hadn’t been for the rangers. The humans must not know the intelligence that exists within this park.” Niol lifted his head and watched the vehicle drive off into the distance until it was completely out of sight. “What were you saying about your old age?” he quipped as he saw the fright still on Raja’s face.

Raja stared at Niol for a while and finally broke into a smile. “Well, old animals also get scared, but the trick is how fast you get past it!” Raja stood up, placed his paw on his head to adjust the bandage and pronounced, “Right. I’m over it! What else have you got?”

Niol was beginning to enjoy Raja’s effervescent spirit. He found it was awakening a sense of excitement within him. He watched as Raja hopped about pretending there was danger lurking behind every rock.

“Come on out, evil doers! Show yourselves! I fear nothing and I bark in the face of danger! Woof, woof!” Raja exclaimed, raising his front paws as if he was ready for a boxing match. The dizziness returned for a moment, but Raja shook it off, convincing himself that he was fine and the rest later would make all the difference.

“Let’s get moving now, Raja.” Niol laughed. “I can see this is going to be a fun excursion as well as a perfect opportunity to get to know each other. Many animals will be gathering by the stream soon, so I suggest we start the tour from this point and make our way there. I think it would be advisable for you to walk on your own, though. We don’t want to attract any more attention!”

Niol started walking and Raja followed excitedly, but was constantly reminded of his injured head. Every stride of Niol’s was four steps for Raja and he had to jog to keep up.

“Could you please slow down at least?” pleaded Raja.

Niol looked down at the little puggle and apologised. The walk soon became more of a stroll, which Niol was not used to.

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