Chapter 19

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Raja slid underneath the elephant and took off, his legs pumping madly. Sqwee was already ahead of him, also running for dear life. Sqwee made a sudden sharp right turn, which Raja followed instinctively, but he was sure this was not the same route they had taken. Then he realised Sqwee was worried about the leopard! As they dashed deeper into the bush, they saw a tree that had fallen over a ditch, creating a slim gap below the tree. Sqwee slid to halt and ran back to slide under the tree. Raja followed, and the two animals flattened themselves into the ground as they tried to breathe as softly as possible so as not to bring attention to themselves. Raja felt the adrenaline coursing through his body and his heart pounding against his chest. Too afraid to look out, he stared down at the ground until his breathing normalised. After a few long minutes, he looked up at Sqwee, who stared back in silence. Immobilised, they waited for the expected attack, but nothing happened. The bush was silent; all they could hear was the chirping of a lourie.

"I don't think they followed us. What do you think?" Raja asked Sqwee, who had stuck his head out very cautiously and was busy scanning the environment.

Sqwee climbed out of their hiding spot carefully, making sure that he was as quiet as possible. Raja scanned the area nervously before sliding out too.

"I think we managed to get away! That was just crazy! I knew O-el could not be trusted! Why didn't we see this before? The whole park is basically in his control now! How are we going to let everyone know? How are we going to prove this... this... this... deception?"

Raja watched Sqwee as he rambled on, at first not understanding what Sqwee was saying. Then the penny dropped. Of course, O-el was now in the most powerful position in the park. The animals trusted him because of his heritage, and he was sure that the trust would be cemented once he 'saved' the animals by incriminating Niol!

"Enough!" barked Raja.

Sqwee stopped, more out of shock at the loudness of his voice. He listened intently as Raja spoke with deep conviction.

"You are right, Sqwee. The animals of the park need to know what has happened! We should go back and gather everyone. I'm sure O-el is expecting us to do this and is probably also making his way back, but we need to beat him to it, Sqwee!"

Sqwee nodded in agreement. "I think one of us should go while the other heads back to try to slow down O-el. I am happy to be the one to distract O-el."

"Thank you for the offer, Sqwee, but maybe..." Raja started to object, but Sqwee interjected sharply.

"I think there would be a better chance that the other animals would listen to you, Raja! You are an outsider and you have nothing to gain or lose by telling them what is happening. I just hope the old council members have not left yet. I'm sure they will know what to do."

Raja was about to argue further when Sqwee winked and disappeared in the direction they had just come. Without a second thought, Raja turned and started off in the opposite direction before realising he wasn't exactly sure where he was. He stopped and thought back to where Sqwee had detoured, walking in a circle before finally trotting off in the direction he believed the stream to be located.

As he ran, Raja was nervously aware of the overwhelming responsibility of his task. He had to convince the animals of O-el's involvement to take over the council, and their role in the disappearance of Lenoh and Dhinoo. Raja pushed his short little legs harder until he could feel the burning in his lungs and the strain on his muscles. This trip had broken him from his life of comfort to one of real survival and truly pushed his body like never before. He jumped to clear a shrub and, as he flew through the air, he could make out green fields and a glimpse of the stream. Filled with inspiration, he accelerated!

"Whoooaaaa, Raja!" shouted a familiar voice.

Out of the trees to the left came Busi, the plump giraffe. Raja was glad to see a familiar face and quickly filled Busi in on what had just happened. Busi listened to the little puggle animatedly retell the story, trying to interrupt, but Raja ploughed on with his story until it was all told.

"And so here I am.... You have to come with and help me convince the others! I am sure with you by my side we can convince the others!" Raja ended breathlessly.

"Yes, Raja, but it's all okay, you can relax a bit! I too uncovered O-el's plans and have already spoken to the old council members! They are currently gathering a group of animals and are marching towards the area where Niol was imprisoned. From what you are saying, I am sure they will clash with O-el and his group! I think we should head in that direction and try to help them!" Busi explained.

Raja listened in shock to what Busi was saying. His shoulders relaxed slightly at the relief of not having to try to convince the other animals. The battle has just begun, he thought, and everyone will be needed to defeat O-el.

Busi had already started walking in the direction that Niol was imprisoned. Raja looked back at the stream in the distance, glad to know that he had the correct bearings. He followed Busi, who was walking at a brisk pace that surprised him. This plump giraffe is quite quick, thought Raja with a giggle. Then he noticed a blood-soaked bandage around her leg.

"Are you okay? Your leg? It's bleeding," he said in concern.

"Don't worry, little puggle. I hurt myself not too long ago. The bleeding will stop soon," Busi responded as she continued to step it out.

Within a short time, they reached Niol's imprisonment area, which was now completely deserted. Even Niya's admirer was nowhere to be seen. Raja inspected the ground, thinking that perhaps the clash of animals had already happened, but there were no signs of battle or disruption. As Raja turned to question Busi, his eyes widened in shock.

Out of the bush behind the giraffe padded O-el, followed by Aasiya!

"Busi! Behind you!" he screamed, and was about to run forward when, from his left, the giant elephant stepped out and, in one swoop, wrapped its trunk around Raja and lifted him off the ground. From this vantage point, he stared in utter shock as Busi turned to O-el.

"Do you realise how close this bloody dog was to ruining our plans?" she asked sharply.

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