Chapter 22

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Raja looked at the tired face reflected back at him in the stream and then lowered his head to take another sip of water. All the animals had moved back around the stream, and those injured in the brawl earlier lay around licking their wounds. Raja assumed that many of them were talking about what had just happened, while others were wondering what would be next. Many animals were relieved by the uncovering of the conspiracy, but he believed the greatest relief was felt with the return of Dhinoo. Dhinoo had asked to be able to rest and attend to his wounds before addressing the animals about the occurrences of the past few weeks. Raja lifted his head as Niol approached to stand beside him.

"How are you feeling, Raja? Have the monkey paramedics attended to you? I think we should get you back to your human family as soon as possible now, as they are better equipped to deal with your wounds. I have heard that the humans have many animal doctors."

Raja gave Niol a weak smile and looked back at his bandaged backside. O-el had managed to bite off the entire tip of his tail. The leaf bandage was slightly red, indicating that the bleeding had not completely stopped.

"Yes, the humans do have animal doctors, but I would like to hear from Dhinoo first before I head out. I am very interested to hear what he has to say, as he mentioned that Busi confessed her entire plan to him when he was captured. Has there been any word on Busi's whereabouts?" he asked.

"We will escort you to the road later then. The ranger's morning drive should pass this area soon, so I hope Dhinoo wakes before that. As for Busi, I have just spoken to the other animals and they informed me that she managed to escape, but they are continuing to search. She's injured and couldn't have got too far. I think she is still in the park, but is obviously hiding. I have asked the other animals to continue patrolling the area."

Silence fell on the two animals as they both stared at the rising sun and its reflection in the stream. Not too far away, right in the middle of the stream, Niya stood, peacefully swaying her trunk from side to side. But she was not alone this time, as other younger elephants surrounded her. They all appeared to be speaking to her, but Niya just swayed gently, her eyes closed. The other elephants finally decided to imitate her action. Raja smiled at the sight of the group of elephants swaying their trunks in the water from side to side, perfectly synchronised, with the rising sun reflecting its rays off the water. Sqwee walked up beside the two and broke the silence.

"This has been crazy! What an evening! I still can't believe it! For that matter, I can't believe we are alive! I must say, though, that we really worked well as a team. Maybe working together is a good thing?" Sqwee rattled away, a half grin on his face.

Sqwee's father, Wildo, walked up and placed his paw on Sqwee's, and his eyes filled with tears. The two wild dogs embraced silently.

Niol and Raja smiled and were about to comment when they heard a slight commotion from behind. Dhinoo had awakened, and had arrived in the company of the old council members, who all made their way to the grassy patch and waited as the rest of the animals surrounded them. Niol, Raja and Sqwee watched, then Niol took a deep breath and he too began walking towards the council members. Raja and Sqwee scrabbled after him.

Raja looked up at Niol, noticing the depth of the scratches on his face. They had been attended to, as the bleeding had stopped, and so had the injury to his shoulder, but Niol's discomfort was obvious as he limped towards the large group. As they approached, the animals made way, and they had saved an area close to the front for them. Raja blushed as he walked past everyone, feeling slightly bad for coming later than the others, yet being given a place in front. The path created did not close until Niya had finally joined them. She smiled down at Raja and Sqwee and let out a triumphant silent trumpet. Raja smiled as he heard the ultrasonic sound.

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