Chapter 16

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"Wake up! Come on, guys!" Raja's high-pitched whisper was urgent.

Niya and Sqwee squirmed and mumbled, but continued to sleep. Raja frantically ran around the other two, shaking them to wake them. Sqwee shifted slightly to his right, giving Raja hope, but then he just turned over and pulled Niya's trunk up to cover himself further. Raja decided to take drastic action! He opened his mouth wide and bit lightly into Niya's trunk! Niya awoke instantly and let out a slight trumpet, startling Sqwee, who sprung up into an attacking pose.

"It's just me. Calm down. Sorry about the bite, Niya, but I needed to wake you guys up. Something's going on; I'm not sure what it is, but I don't like it!"

Niya and Sqwee grumpily stared at Raja and decided it was not worth fighting with the little puggle. They instinctively turned and started towards the stream. Raja quickly jumped in front of them.

"We can't go down that way! We might just be in danger!" he whispered urgently.

Niya, feeling her patience running out, gently pushed Raja aside and continued towards the stream, followed by a grinning Sqwee. Raja quickly ran around and jumped in front of the two animals. Niya was about push Raja aside again when a mighty roar split the sky. All three animals looked into the distance. That had to be O-el. Raja turned to Niya and Sqwee and explained how he had stumbled on a secret sub-committee meeting where O-el had been made chairperson and, therefore, the council member from Umzantsi. As Niya and Sqwee listened, the sun began to rise, adding a welcome light to the park just as Raja completed his story. The three friends stared up at the now bright sky. Other animals were emerging to make their way down to the stream to sip the cool water. With a satisfied expression, they nodded in agreement; it would be safe to proceed to the stream now. A silent walk followed, with Niya deep in thought while Sqwee seemed to be fuming with anger. A mouthful of water, and they headed towards the clearing where they had been the day before. As they walked, Niya voiced her thoughts.

"This does seem very suspicious. It could not just be coincidence that the council is lacking a member from the lion clan, and that the most likely candidate has just now been imprisoned? Could O-el stoop to such levels as to kill Lenoh and Dhinoo? Why Dhinoo?"

Raja listened as Niya mumbled her thoughts, but Sqwee ran ahead of the other two. Raja watched as Sqwee disappeared and blended into the thickness of the surroundings. Niya continued mumbling as they emerged from the bush to a large gathering of animals. The gathering appeared similar to the night before for O-el's return, but, as they grew closer, Raja realised that the group gathered was much larger than the night before. There were various new animals he did not recognise, and everyone was busily involved in discussion.

Without any warning, Niya wrapped her trunk around Raja's body and threw him into the air to land on her back. The shocked puggle quickly gained his balance as he realised now he could see into the centre smaller group, the council members who were facing O-el. Behind him were the members of the sub-committee from earlier that morning, including Josie, who now appeared quite relaxed and composed.

O-el stood up regally. "Good morning, dear friends of Umzantsi, Umntla and Empuma. I am sure the other two regions are on their way. I welcome you all to this momentous day! It is by sheer luck that I have survived my ordeal. I am here now and believe I can make a difference. I have been elected as the new chairperson of the Umzantsi sub-committee and, therefore, I am a new council member."

O-el paused and looked around the area as many animals cheered. "After much discussion with my fellow members of the Umzantsi sub-committee, we believe that a great change is required. Two members of council are missing and I fear possibly dead! My dear brother has been implicated, but I promise you justice will be served, guilty or not. I have spent the entire night thinking about the future of this park, and have bounced these ideas off my fellow sub-committee members. As I have just mentioned, we believe a change is required. Two council members are missing and, shockingly, almost nothing has been done to resolve this mystery!"

An even louder cheer followed, with many of the animals stomping their hooves, claws and feet! Hhati, Arya and Bheki watched with sadness in their eyes. They could foresee where O-el was headed with his speech.

O-el turned and looked triumphantly at the three of them. "With all due respect, dear council members, the swift and necessary action that was required by you as our leaders was not forthcoming. I believe your time at the council has been too long, and you have become complacent. You have lost touch with the animals of the park. I request your resignation, and recommend that the areas of Umntla and Empuma elect new representatives! If you who are here today, are in agreement, raise your voices now!"

With the final sentence complete, O-el opened his great jaws and roared loudly, followed by the majority of the surrounding animals responding in approval. Raja watched in horror as more and more animals started shouting out and stomping their feet in overwhelming support of O-el. Hhati and the remaining council members looked at each, defeat clear on their faces. The noise of the animals continued, but Raja could see Hhati talking seriously to the other council members, then speaking to O-el, who nodded in agreement with whatever was said. The ex-council members walked into the crowd, blending into obscurity.

Raja moved down towards Niya's ear and suggested they leave. Sqwee, who had climbed onto the back of large elephant, jumped off his perch and onto the back of a buffalo, and finally onto the ground, then ran after his friends. In silence, the three animals walked back towards the stream. As they walked, they could hear from the various cheers that the different regions present were now nominating their new council members!

Niya walked straight into the stream to stand seeking comfort in the middle. The gentle flow broke against her legs while the sun shone brightly into her face. The look of calmness on her face had been replaced by a deep meditative expression.

Sqwee was pacing at the bank, continuously repeating, "What can we do? What can we do?"

Raja watched Sqwee for a moment and thought how pacing seemed to be a common thing amongst these animals. Sqwee's question echoed through his head as he wondered how it was that all these animals were so blindly following O-el and not seeming to notice how suspicious it all was! As if reading his mind, Niya spoke quietly.

"O-el has always had a power over other animals. I think for many the appeal is his charismatic nature, but I think the majority were simply afraid of him. O-el really does have a larger than life personality, though, I must admit. Many are blinded by this façade. Now, I do believe there is more to this story than meets the eye, but I'm not sure what we going to do?"

Raja and Sqwee watched Niya as she walked out of the water and stood on the bank. She turned to stare at the disturbed water. Raja looked down at the water too, and then into the distance... and then an idea occurred to him. He jumped into the water and looked at Niya and then at Sqwee and grinned.

"We need to get to the bottom of this. Is there anything behind O-el's actions? I don't know, but I think we can only answer that question by reforming our pack, as we are missing a member! We need to go get Niol out of his imprisonment! Together, we can get to the bottom of this! All the animals are caught up at O-el's gathering; this would be the perfect time to get Niol out!"

Raja felt the adrenaline pump through his body and, although he didn't realise it, he too was pacing back and forth in his attempt to convince Niya and Sqwee. He did not know what they would do once they freed Niol, but he did know that freeing Niol was the first step. Niol would know what to do next!

Sqwee leapt into the air in excitement! "Let's do this!" he shouted.

Raja continued moving back and forth as he felt the adrenalin and determination pumping through his veins. The excitement built.

Raja splashed the water excitedly and then looked at Niya, hoping that she felt the same. Sqwee stopped jumping and turned to look at Niya too, hoping that she was agreement.

Niya looked down at the two little animals and then back at the disturbed water, whose ripples were still spreading. She closed her eyes and thought of the ripples that had been caused in the park by the recent events and knew that these disturbances had to come to end.

"Let's do it! Let's break Niol free!" she said, conviction ringing through her voice.

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