Chapter 13

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Word of O-el's return spread like wildfire. All the animals of the region were interested in where he had been all this time and whether or not he was aware of the disappearances in the park. Raja attempted to stay close to Niol, but he had taken O-el aside to have a private discussion. The council members watched carefully, but decided to stay away until Niol had talked to his brother. Arya had now picked up Josie's tension and was pacing back and forth too. She came to a sudden standstill and looked at everyone.

"This has been an extremely unusual day! O-el's return adds a new twist to all the happenings. I foresee a great number who will support O-el and possibly suggest he take a position on the council." She maintained eye contact with Hhati and Bheki while she began to pace back and forth again. "Hhati, Bheki, I could be speaking out of turn, but this is something that I cannot condone."

Hhati stepped forward to stop Arya's pacing. "Do not be brash, Arya. We do not know that any of what you say will come to pass, and if it does it is within the right of the animals of Umzantsi to decide. Josie is the current representative, and, if she chooses to step down, the normal procedure will follow. It has been a long time since we have seen O-el; he has had much time to find himself and we do not know him. He could be a different cat now."

Even though Hhati spoke sensibly, Raja could feel the uneasiness in the group. Josie listened intently, looking from face to face, before speaking softly in response. "I do not know why you worry, Arya? O-el has always been popular within Umzantsi. He always dreamt of being part of the council. He was young at the time before his 'death', but I agree with Hhati that he could have changed. A place on the council does now exist, although I do pray that Lenoh is found."

With that comment, Josie walked carefully down the hill and into the bush in the direction of the stream. The other animals watched her silently and, as soon as she was out of earshot, Arya spoke.

"She is young and does not know O-el as he was. He was always the charmer, and, because of this, won much popularity with the younger animals. He was also reckless and careless, as are all youth, but his thirst for power was very strong. This was the reason Dhinoo was against O-el being Panthera's heir. Dhinoo had always suggested that if an heir to Panthera was to rise to the council it should be Niol, but, as we know, Niol has chosen not be a part of our formal structure, but rather act in an advisory capacity."

Busi nodded to the council members and suggested she check on Josie. "Excuse me," she said and followed the path Josie had taken.

Raja looked down towards Niol and O-el conversing. Even from this distance, he could see the mixed emotions on Niol's face as he talked, and O-el seemed to be listening intently to what he was saying. O-el was nothing like Raja would have imagined him to be. On the other hand, he grinned to himself, all lions looked the same to him. Looking more closely, he noticed that O-el's left paw was slightly bent, possibly from an old injury. Perhaps this was the reason for the slight limp? Except for this imperfection, O-el appeared slightly undernourished, but healthy. He was not as muscular as Niol, but sagging skin in places indicated that he had been better built at one stage in his life.

The group of animals were gathering around and many more were coming through the bush; word had already spread about this unexpected reappearance. Raja turned and looked at the council members still debating O-el's past and possible plans for the future.

"I think we have given them enough time together," Ayra said. "We would like to know where he has been all this time, and if he is aware of the recent disappearances of the council members."

Arya did not wait for approval, but began walking down the hill towards Niol and O-el. The other council members followed reluctantly. Niya and Sqwee walked up besides Raja, and both started speaking at the same time. Sqweee smiled and nodded at Niya to start first. Niya sheepishly smiled back.

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