Chapter 8

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"Y/N," he says, breaking the comfortable silence. You look up at him with curious eyes; his voice seemed serious but also hesitant all the while. His expression had changed, leaving his eyes distressed, like something must have been bothering him.

"... you know i would that i would rather stay with you than do anything else, but..." he hesitated, it seemed like he was having trouble getting it out. "... however, i must go."

Your eyes widened and you gulped. He was going to leave! Your mind raced for a response, to get him to stay. A part of you wanted him to stay, for your own enjoyment, but another was also focused on your mission. Sonic and his team must have been done now, it was nighttime already.

Plus, sonic wasn't one to take his time with invasions such as these. But your phone was out of reach, there was no way to tell. You were almost positive the others had been trying to contact you, most likely searching for you aswell.

Your stomach twisted at the idea of them worrying, their faces plastered with unease and fear.

Suddenly it hit you, you needed to leave aswell! It was understandable that infinite had to leave of course, and it would be a good choice for you to leave aswell to end your friend's worrying as soon as you could.

Gazing up at him, you felt accomplished. You had managed to complete a mission successfully, and have a wonderful time with this amazing boy.

You nodded slowly, abiding to his words.

"Don't take this the wrong way, sweetheart. I have to leave, i have the consequences of spending time with you... infact, i skipped a whole mission because of it." he said softly. You realized his tone was so much different than when you first met him, with him first coming off as aggressive and blunt, but now moved into gentle and sweet.

You knew he had skipped a mission to be with you. The thought itself had made your heart flutter. But he must have had no idea that you knew, if not for him telling you then.

"I understand..." you spoke quietly, looking down in disappointment and fidgeting your fingers.

"I hope to see you in the future, Y/N." infinite adds, making you flustered. "You do live around here, right?" he asks.

You paused before answering him, though you were not sure why. Sometimes he just made you nervous, but in a good way. "Yes... i do. In the neighboring town, infact."

You hesitated, contemplating wether you should tell him the truth.

"Actually, there is something i haven't told you." you said, your voice trembling. "Im a part of the resistance."

"Ah... i suspected there was something you weren't telling me." he said confidently. "After all, why would you be out here wandering this ruined city? ... you don't have to tell me, dear, im just glad we ended up together." he said sweetly in response. He was so understanding, you were glad he hadn't pushed you to tell him the full truth of what you were doing there.

"Say... would it be too much for you if i were to partake in the next rescue mission with my team? It would be around this area." you mentioned nervously.

His face lit up when you mentioned these future plans to meet with him again.

"Uhm... i would have to get in contact with you though, through my phone. It should be around here somewhere..."

"Oh, right... sorry about your phone, dear. Ill help you find it it."

Although the moon was bright tonight, it wasn't enough to illuminate the area. So he cast a brilliant red light on your surroundings, lighting it up. The glow even had a bit of a sparkle to it, how cute.

infinite x YOU!!!!! (Infinite x reader)Where stories live. Discover now