chapter 11

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    You slept here at the base, at the sleeping quarters. It was too dangerous to have your own house right now, in the midst of a war.

Shadow was also walking to the sleeping quarters. You picked up your pace to catch up to him. Normally, you would gently grab somones wrist or touch their shoulder to let them know you were trying to catch up to them, but not with shadow. Last time you made physical contact with him he wasn't too pleased.

"Hey, shads!" you said, getting his attention. He turns towards you, while you both kept a steady pace while walking to the quarters.

"Hm?" said shadow.

"Uhm..." you started, unconfident about your words. "I- uh, you wouldn't mind if i asked you something, would you?"

"Go on." he said, crossing his arms and looking ahead.

"I don't know much about... infinite... would you mind telling me what you know? I-im sorry... i don't mean to bother you." you said, embarrassed but also very curious. You remember Infinite saying something about shadow, so you wanted to gets shadows opinion.

His face darkened and he let out a deep growl from his throat. "Infinite... that bastard."

You looked up at his face, intruiged.

"I first encountered him when he snuck up on me. He was pissed that i eliminated his cowardly squad. He made a weak attempt to defeat me, but he failed miserably. I made a fool of him."

This is the same story infinite had told you, about how shadow had defeated his weaker past self.

"What is his motive now?"

"Revenge. He just cannot accept the fact that he is weak, so his solution is to gain as much power as he can. His tiny brain just cant see the wrong in his doing, so he teamed up with Eggman to grow the Eggman Empire."

You nodded, listening closely. He stopped walking, and put his hand on a doorknob, one you assumed was to his room.

"That is the summary. Im sorry you hadn't known this before. If youll excuse me, im going to sleep." shadow said. Sometimes he could be so cold, yet so sweet.

You obliged and headed to your own "room". You unlocked it with the key and collapsed on the small but cozy bed. When you were first introduced to the little apartment, it was bare and unwelcoming. The wallsused to be blank and there was no decorations.

Since then, youve really gotten the room just to your liking. You were content to say you had been here a while, since the start of the resistance when there were only a few members who were dedicated to stopping the war.

You stared up at the ceiling. Your mind began to wander... and you heart began to pound. You caught yourself thinking about your interesting encounter with Infinite! He was such an odd and complex jackal; it was like he was a total mystery. This intrigued you to learn more about him, no matter the risk. It was like you were unconsciously longing to see him again.

You shook your head and tried to push him out of your mind, but he didn't budge, so you made space for him in the back of your mind. You stood and shuffled your way to the bathroom, and stared into the mirror. A slight blush seemed to have infected your cheeks.

As you stared in the mirror, the negative thoughts set in. it was extremely comforting to think a boy like Infinite, one of the most striking boys youve ever seen, to be so interested by a girl like you. Despite this, you couldn't help but think to yourself.

He probably isn't thinking about me anymore. He has so many other things he could be doing.

Im way out of his league.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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