chapter 9

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You looked down at the ground as you walked away from him, towards a clearing, where you could be spotted.

You longed to see his face one last time, but when you turned around, he had dissapeared. Not even the red hue of the phantom ruby was left in the air.

You let out a defeated sigh and turned back around. When you made to the clearing, you collapsed onto the ground, resting against the remains of a ruined wall. You gazed up at the sky, enthralled by its beauty.

Despite not fighting Infinite, you were exhausted by just the encounter with him. You were reluctant, but eventually you reached out and grabbed your phone, pulling it infront of your phone.

12 missed calls from 6 contacts. 20 other notifications.

You gasped loudly, how had you not noticed this before?! Your stomach twisted tighter and your heart raced. You held your phone in your shaking hands, your grip tightening around it. While your hands shoo, you managed to call up sonic.

It took a while, but eventually he picked up. You pulled your knees up to your chest in an attempt to calm yourself before speaking to him.

"Y/N?!! Is that you?!" sonic shouted hysterically. You heard several other in the backround all seeming to be crowding around his phone. Familiar voices all blended into each other, you couldn't distinguish what they were saying. Some were saying praise, some scared, but all were relieved.

"Y-yes... its me.. Im alive." you managed to get out. Your palms began to sweat.

"Thank god! We thought..." silver sai, cutting his words off. They had most likely figured you had been captured by infinite, or worse.

"Are you still here? At the ruined city?" you inquired, your voice wobbling a bit.

"N-no... sweetie, we finished the mission a while ago. We have been searching for you ever since." rouge said, seeming to have grabbed the phone from sonic.

"Ah... that was fast."

"Sonic is the fastest thing alive." shadow muttered. "Are you going to tell us where you are? Or should we continue our little chat as we freeze to death trying to find you."

You frowned as his insensitive response. But you brushed it off, as you found it understandable to be pissed at yourself right now.

You send them your location and described the area around you.

"We'll be there in no time. Just hang in there for us, Y/N." sonic said. His tone was so sweet, and you felt warm just feeling his voice comfort you. There was no doubt sonic would put his all into an attempt to find you.

"Are you injured?" you heard espios smooth voice ask calmly over the phone.

Uh oh... the bite. The hickeys. Your anxiety kicked in as your mind raced to find a solution.

Shoot! You were missing your jacket. The chilling breeze reminded you, drifting over your bare shoulders. Your hand darted over to the base of your neck, and you felt the dried blood that layered onto your fur. You pushed your hair over your shoulders and neck, hoping that would be enough to hide it.

"Uhm... n-no... im not hurt." you said unconfidently.

"Don't worry. Ill be over there in a blur." sonic said. What did he mean, in a blur? Oh right, blue blur. Hes still a weirdo, You thought sarcastically.

You heard the whooshing sound that you figured to be sonic running, and were soon met with a small gap of silence on the call.

"Sonic is on his way." rouge said. "And tails is already here, waiting." that didn't really make you feel any better, but she most likely didn't mean for it to come off as rude. Rouge was that kind of person, but it didn't seem to bother you or anyone else. She is a truly kind person at heart, although she may not show it at first.

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