1 [Apology]

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Standing in front of the mirror in your bathroom, you looked over your outfit one last time. It had been nothing fancy, and you could not tell why you were so meticulous about it, but you felt that the way you presented yourself this afternoon was important. A black button-up and a pair of brown, corduroy pants that fit you well made you feel comfortable enough to leave the house. You did nothing special with your hair, just trying to wear it casually.

Would it have been weird to dress up more? Your mind raced with a few questions as you prepared yourself to leave. It kept you busy, almost side-tracked as you made your way down your front porch. Or is it weird to care so much about the clothes I'm wearing? Especially if I'm not partaking in the festival, only there to watch.

You could not help but sigh. The air at this time of night was warm in Marley. Despite the sun making its way under the horizon, the occasional breeze was enough to encourage you to leave your jacket at home. The streets were nearly empty, only the occasional vehicle driving past you, along with smiling at people as you passed them on the sidewalk. It seemed that most of the town had already made its way down towards the water in preparation for the festival.

From where your house stood, the pier became visible after only a short few minute walk down the road. It was clear that an event was getting ready to take place, as the number of people standing down on the docks seemed immense. It looked almost as if the whole sea-side city had been there already. Kids ran from one end of the dock to the other, hearty laughing could be heard, excited yelling and some distant music played.

Another sigh passed through you as you looked down at the ground. Your leather boots tapped against the cobblestone as you prepared yourself for the events that were about to take place. A part of you genuinely debated coming out here. The letter had taken over your headspace almost completely, but you could not quite understand why. The grocery run had taken much longer than it should have, as you kept forgetting what you had gone there for. Even cleaning your bathroom and kitchen felt as if you were stuck in a loop of doing the same few things over and over.

It had been worrying you much more than you had expected it to. Though, you had not spoken to Reiner in almost two years. Your nervousness seemed justified. The last time you did speak with him, it was a short and bland conversation about nothing important.

"[F/N]," he had gotten your attention at a holiday party. You had not seen him for a few months at this point, considering you had been so busy with your own life. "It's good to see you. How have you been?"

"Good, actually. It's nice to have a day off." You smiled politely, and he returned the gesture. "What about you?"

"I've been spending a lot more time with my family, now that I don't have to be anywhere else anymore. Gabi and Falco are still warming up to the thought of being kids again, so it's nice to be able to spend more time with the two of them." The weight of his words had hit you, though you attempted to shrug it off by continuing a polite conversation.

However, it was soon wrapped up when Armin got your attention. You excused yourself and did not see the blonde for the rest of the night.

It was true, what he had said in his letter. You were cold to him even after everything had settled. You distanced yourself from Annie, as well. It was not out of maliciousness, but it felt almost natural to be upset with the two of them. Reiner, especially, considering that you and Annie were not very close friends to begin with.

Occasionally, you would see him around. You would see him with his niece and honorary nephew most often. There would be a few times where you would have run into him in a bar or at the grocery store. Though, you usually would turn your head, or pretend you did not see him before he noticed you.

From the Start (Reiner Braun X  Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt