3 [Grocery Run]

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Your shoes tapped along the ground, occasionally splashing into a small, shallow puddle along the sidewalk. The wet concrete beneath you made the air feel chilly, and the dank soil of the lawns beside you caused the neighborhood to smell damp. Last night's rainstorm had been a little longer than what was originally predicted. The rainfall had ended about an hour ago, around 8:30 AM. Now, it was just past 9:30, and the morning streets were quieter than they usually would be.

It was not as if you were complaining, though. It allowed you to walk with a pan in hand in peace. Most days, you were greeted and spoken to by random people's children on the street, or pulled into shops to talk to someone you helped months ago. People would wave at you, though you could not always tell where you knew them from. You had such a habit of helping almost anyone, faces would merge and you would occasionally mix up names.

Days like this were so gloomy to most people, as it would keep people inside. That seemed to be why you liked it so much. You were free to run your errands, and only your errands, in peace. Though, with the threat of rain still looming overhead, and your lack of umbrella, you attempted to make haste to the Braun household.

Now, noticing that you were only a few houses down, a bend in the road allowed you to watch as the front door slowly opened. Out from the home, a young woman stepped onto the porch. Your eyebrows raised as you slowed your pace. She seemed to wave, almost dismissively, to someone just out of view before hurrying down the path to the front door and to the sidewalk. Someone closed the door behind her quickly, but you could not tell who. The girl was headed in the opposite direction, so you were not able to get a closer look at her, though you were not sure that you really wanted to.

Curiously, you find your way to the doorstep and give a few knocks. Looking down at your feet, you noticed that there had been a doormat you were standing on. It was old, however, that any design that it may have had was not visible under the dirt and use. The sound of the door opening caused you to look back up.

"Forget something– Oh!" It was Karina, Reiner's mother, with a smile on her face. "[F/N], what a surprise!"

"Morning, Mrs. Braun," you greet, bowing your head politely. "I hope it's not too much trouble that I've stopped over. I see you just had someone leave, and I would hate to be a bother." She waves her hand at you, exclaiming that that was nonsense before ushering you in. You had met the family a few years ago at one of Gabi's birthday celebrations. You got talking with her aunt and the two of you mingled the entire afternoon. Talking away about almost anything, always finding something new to chat about when the conversation seemed to be over. It was refreshing to be able to converse about new topics with a fresh face at a party where you knew mostly everyone. Eagerly, she waved you over into the dining room and offered you a chair. You graciously accepted as she sat down beside you.

"So what brings you over?" She asks.

You smile and place the pie pan on the table. "I baked a few pies yesterday. I figured I'd come over and offer the family one of them. Reiner mentioned liking mixed berry pie, so I thought you guys would enjoy it."

"Oh," she smiled looking at the pan with loving eyes. She was such a kind woman, and her gaze reflected the care she really held in her heart. "That's so sweet of you. Thank you so much."

She stood and grabbed the pan with both hands, carefully handling it as if it would simply slip from her fingers. Her feet shuffled towards the oven. She opened it and placed the pie inside, saving it for later when it was to be reheated or eaten as is.

"If you don't mind me asking," you started, hesitating as you shifted in your chair. "Who was it that just left? I haven't seen her around the family before." Karina frowned as she made her way back to the table, but it was obvious she tried not to show it. As she sat back down, she folded one leg over the other and placed her hands on her knee.

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