Neighbors (Moran) : 2

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Her breasts were big enough to not let me think anything else in the world, they are something always conquered my imagination.

She looked very much like a typical conservative Indian girl in dress up although I somehow had the feeling that her eyes had a few sparks of desires whenever I was around.

When, we didn't had any conversation yet because there is no topic to talk.

Like this months passed, sometimes we exchanged smile whenever she come to meet my mother at my home.

Usually, she left her home keys at my home.

On one eventful day,

Things unfolded on their own leading to one of the most exciting experiences I had not even expected.

My mother was going for shopping so she told me she get late. She told me that she will be late so whenever Monami come back I should give her keys to her or ask her tea or coffee in their absence.

My mother was telling me as she was about to leave and she thinks that she will come late.

My mother gave me keys and left.

I replied excitedly although I had plans to move out in the afternoon. But I cancelled my plan.

Once my mother left, I began waiting for the her arrival impatiently thinking about Monami all the time.

I am thinking that what will I talk to her and what if she denied for tea / coffee. It will be short conversation again.

I am just wishing that somehow she get ready to sit sometimes, so we can be friends.

Monami had by now become a regular visitor to our house but we still never talked much.

We had a hi/ hello only.

These small collisions makes me crazy more because of sneak peeks of her cleavage almost on every occasion.

She often preferred light top disclosing her bra which seemed hardly sufficient to contain her over sized tits.

I used to be amused of myself for being crazy about Monami.

I had taken extra care of me in dressing myself up today, after a nice clean shave.

Stay tuned

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