Part 3

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Sebastian's POV.

It's a fresh Monday morning and I've been in the classroom since 5 this morning crafting today's lecture while sipping on my coffee. As the sun climbed, I caught glimpses of Mina meandering by my doorway, her laughter mingling with the morning air, a friend at her side. I'll admit, a flutter of excitement would dance through me each time; she has this effortless grace, a kindness that radiates like the dawn. I know it's unorthodox to feel this way about a student but her presence is like a page from myth, where mortals tread among deities. Her light was so distracting, it scattered my thoughts like leaves in the wind, and focusing became a daunting task.

I was walking out of the room between my last two classes and saw my friends Chris and Anthony walking together. "Hey man!" Anthony said beckoning me over. "What are you two troublemakers doing?" I asked, grinning and Chris replied, "We're walking to the lecture hall to tutor students who are falling behind in our classes." I nodded my head in understanding and Chris continued "There is actually this one student that I'm quite disappointed with, she is absolutely brilliant in class discussion and really gets into the learning and lectures but when it comes to the essays and at-home assignments she doesn't even turn them in or I get then half done assignments but hopefully she will do better now that I'm tutoring her." Anthony laughed and said, "No way! Mina is falling behind? she always turns in my assignments." My heart skipped a beat at the mere mention of her name, sending a rush of excitement through my veins. Knowing Chris is the history professor and Anthony the communication and linguistics professor I knew that I might be able to help Mina, giving me hope to spend more time with her. God, what am I thinking? I'm her professor! I shouldn't be thinking this way about a student. "I could come with you guys and help since all three of our classes deal with writing," I said, and Chris and Anthony nodded in agreement.

As we were walking all three of us were throwing out jokes and poking at each other like we did in high school. We've known each other since middle school and have always stuck with each other Anthony being the comedic one, Chris acting as the group's dad and would always try to keep us out of trouble and harm's way and I being the rebellious sarcastic one with social anxiety.

The lecture hall buzzed with energy as students streamed in and out, their conversations echoing off the walls

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The lecture hall buzzed with energy as students streamed in and out, their conversations echoing off the walls. Amidst the crowd, Mina was a beacon of joy, her laughter mingling with that of her friends Ava, Tom, and MJ. Despite the clear signs of fatigue etched beneath her reddish-brown eyes and her complexion paler than usual, her spirit was undiminished. Her smile was broad and genuine, her laughter rich and resonant, filling the hall with a warmth that belied her tiredness. My heart ached as I watched her, a deep yearning to ease her troubles stirring within me. I wished to understand her silent battles, to extend a hand that might lift her burdens. Yet there I stood, feeling powerless-a sentiment I despised, especially when it concerned Mina. But I held onto hope, believing that even a simple gesture of support could be a beacon of light in her shadowed moments.

"Are you ready to get started?" Chris asked. "yeah." I said not expecting there to be so many struggling students. "There are so many where do we even start?" I asked bewildered. "Well start with the first one you see or the first one to come up to you," Anthony said patting my shoulder and laughing slightly at my discomfort. Students started to run up to Chris and Anthony, papers in hand, and some students even came up to me, but before I could help anyone the Dean's loud voice boomed through the hall shushing everyone, "Sit down!... Now, I'd like everyone to wait patiently as the professors will come around and help you one at a time, we were not expecting there to be many students here, therefore you will each have to wait your turn. Professors you may begin." he said leaving the podium in the front of the room.

After the room was situated I immediately went over to Mina's table "Hello Mina, Tom, and Ava. What can I help you with today?" I asked Tom was the first one to speak, "Mina and I need help with history and Ava here needs help with her linguistics paper." I nodded and said "Well get your papers out and I'll see what I can do to help okay?" all three of them got their papers out and handed them to me and I couldn't help but look at Mina's paper first, her handwriting was so elegant and beautiful it made me proud "Mina, Tom, Tell me what you're having problems with?" I ask, Mina rolled her eyes and lets out an annoyed chuckle and Tom looked kinda scared by her reaction and I caught the whisper of Ava's "Oh, here we go," as Mina's usual calm shattered. "Professor Evens says it's not good enough, that I can 'do better.' But maybe this is my best! and maybe this is me working my hardest! he's making me start all over again! This is such bullshit!" Her cheeks burned with frustration as she stormed out. I wanted to go after her, I know it would look weird but I felt compelled to follow her, to offer solace. I informed Anthony, who had witnessed the entire scene, of my intent to ensure Mina's well-being. With his silent nod, I departed the lecture hall, driven by concern.

Yes, I know this was short but bare with me because the next chapter is back to Mina's POV.

Oh, and we noticed Mina obtained some new friends, Tom, and MJ.

For some context clues Tom is Tom Holland and MJ is Zendaya Coleman and Ava is Ciara Bravo.

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