Part 9

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Mr. Stan's pov.

We kissed. My mind was trying to comprehend what I had just done. I, her teacher, had just crossed a line I couldn't uncross. I knew this was messed up I could lose everything and so could she but I couldn't ignore what I felt for her. She stepped back, her chest heaving, eyes wide and glistening with a mix of fear and longing. 'I... I'm sorry... I—' Her voice trembled, seeking absolution in my gaze. But I couldn't let this ember of madness flicker out—not when it burned so fiercely within me. All I could do was pull her back in by the hips, close enough to feel her heartbeat against mine "No, don't say sorry, if you don't want this or if you feel uncomfortable just say it and I will stop... But if you want this, if you want me... Then, kiss me."

Before another word could escape me, her lips reclaimed mine, urgent and insistent. The sharp tang of whiskey lingered, a heady reminder of the night before. Our kiss was a battle of wills, yet I couldn't ignore the softness of her lips, the inviting warmth that radiated from her flushed skin. Her scent, a tantalizing mix of strawberries and chocolate, enveloped me, heightening my senses. My fingers threaded through her dark red hair, matching the rhythm of our bodies' silent waltz. Instinctively, I pressed her against the wall, the intensity of our kiss escalating with each heartbeat. My hand traced a path from her hips to her thigh, gently coaxing her leg upward, when suddenly—*knock! Knock!*—reality ripped sharply at the door.

We looked at each other in panic and I could see her face paling. "Fuck. Hold on, Mina," I murmured, a finger pressed to her lips, signaling silence. My eyes darted around the room, searching for a hiding spot—a place where Mina could remain unseen. The bedroom closet. With a quick gesture, I ushered her inside, the soft rustle of fabric the only sound betraying her movement. My heart hammered against my ribs, a staccato rhythm of anxiety. I shot a glance at the closet door, ensuring it was closed just enough to conceal her, yet not enough to arouse suspicion.

Taking a deep breath, I schooled my features into a mask of casual nonchalance and opened the front door. There stood Anthony, his familiar grin threatening to unravel my composure. "Anthony, man, what's up? This is a surprise," I said, my voice betraying a hint of the turmoil inside. We were best friends, and yet at that moment, I felt like a stranger, hiding a part of my life I never thought I'd have to. "Just wanted to check up on you. You never miss a day of work," he replied, oblivious to the storm of thoughts behind my anxious smile. "Oh, yeah, I'm good... just some family issues I'm dealing with, but hey maybe we could catch up on that tomorrow?" I said forcing a smile, hoping to God he couldn't hear the silent plea for Mina to stay quiet, to stay hidden, just a little longer. "Sure, catch you tomorrow then. Hope everything sorts out, buddy," Anthony said, a hint of concern still lingering in his eyes. He gave a small wave and turned, walking down the steps and disappearing from view. I closed the door slowly, leaning against it as the weight of the secret I was carrying pressed down on me.

"Mina, it's safe," I called softly, my steps hesitant as I approached the closet. The door creaked open, and there she was, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and relief. "Is he gone?" she whispered, her voice barely audible. I nodded, and a silent understanding passed between us. We both knew the risks, the high stakes of our secret. "Yeah, he's gone," I confirmed, my voice filled with a mix of relief and anticipation. Mina stepped out of the closet, her presence filling the room with a magnetic energy. We stood there for a moment, the air thick with unspoken words and unexplored desires. It was as if time had frozen, allowing us to fully absorb the weight of what was about to happen. I took a step closer to Mina, my heart pounding in my chest. "Mina, I can't ignore this any longer," I said, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and longing. "I've tried to fight it, to deny it, but the truth is, I can't resist you any longer."

Her eyes met mine, and I could see the reflection of my own desire mirrored back at me. I reached out, gently cupping her face in my hands, feeling the warmth of her skin against my fingertips. "Mina," I whispered, my voice filled with a mixture of vulnerability and determination, "be with me." Her lips curved into a soft smile, and in that moment, all doubts and fears melted away. She leaned in, her breath mingling with mine, and our lips met in a passionate embrace.

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