Part 4

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Mina's Pov

I felt bad for the way I stormed off but I was angry and exhausted. The weight of my father's expectations bore down on me, exacerbating the frustration that had been simmering within. My departure wasn't a mere reaction to Mr. Evens' critique but an eruption of pent-up emotions, sparked by my father's dismissive phone call. He had the audacity to belittle my ambitions, urging me to embrace a 'legitimate' career or return to the shackles of our family enterprise. I felt the burden of perfection, and the need to succeed academically to silence the skeptics. In my frantic escape, I stumbled into a secluded nook, an overlooked room cluttered with the musty scent of aged books. As I shut out the world, I collapsed into the furthest corner, the dam of my restraint finally breaking, allowing the tears to cascade freely in my private sanctuary.

The sound of the door opening broke through my desire for solitude, but I couldn't bring myself to meet whoever had entered. "Just leave me alone!" I pleaded, assuming it was Ava or Tom, hoping they would respect my need for space. But then, a soft, familiar voice cut through my plea, speaking my name with such gentleness. It was Sebastian. "Mina..." he said, his voice filled with understanding and compassion. He sat down beside me, the warmth from his hand seeping into mine, grounding me in the present. "You wanna talk about it?" he asked, his voice a soothing balm to the chaos in my mind.

There was no judgment in his eyes, only concern and an unwavering patience that invited me to share my burdens. In that safe space he created, the words began to flow, and with each one spoken, the heavy weight on my chest lightened. He sat there patiently, not saying anything and just listening to me, I told him everything, the pressure, my parents, and the assignments. I stopped myself before saying anymore, afraid I might say too much. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be bombing you with all my problems." I apologized. "No, please don't ever apologize for sharing your feelings with me. Remember, I'm always here for you," Sebastian reassured me, his voice firm yet gentle. He paused thoughtfully before asking, "If you were struggling with your assignments, why didn't you reach out to me?" His brow furrowed with concern. "I... I was worried it might seem odd since I already have two tutors," I admitted in a hushed tone, "I feared it could start rumors." Observing his reaction, I noticed the intensity in his eyes as he clenched his jaw and his hands formed tight fists - an unexpectedly attractive display of his protective side. "We better return before our absence starts raising eyebrows," he said, his voice a smooth melody, deep and velvety with a hint of huskiness that adds a touch of intrigue and is drownded in dominance, drawing me in. I felt a pang of worry that maybe I had unintentionally struck an unknown nerve. Instead of saying anything, I simply nodded in understanding and obediently trailed behind him as we made our way back towards the door. The silence between us was filled with unspoken thoughts, leaving me curious about what he might be feeling or thinking.

As I stepped into the lecture hall, my heart raced with a mix of nerves and guilt. I knew I had to face Mr. Evens and Mr. Mackie, and the weight of my actions weighed heavily. The room felt tense as if the air was thick with unresolved tension. My palms grew slightly sweaty and I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. Professor Stan's unease from our conversation in the closet still lingered, and I could sense it in the atmosphere. With each determined step, I gathered my courage, reminding myself that taking responsibility was the only way forward. As I approached Mr. Evens and Mr. Mackie, their eyes locked onto me, waiting for an explanation. The silence in the room was deafening, amplifying my nerves. Most of the students were gone now so I knew doing this wasn't going to be that bad but I was still nervous knowing my actions were uncalled for. I took a deep breath and mustered the words to form a genuine apology. "Mr. Evens, Mr. Mackie." I started nervously, "I want to apologize for how I acted earlier, I've just been stressed out with some personal things and I shouldn't have taken it out on you guys or Mr. Stan, I'm sorry." I was staring at my feet now, not being able to meet their eyes out of embarrassment. Mr. Evens and Mr. Mackie looked at each other for a second and then back at me "Mina, we are not upset we are just worried to see you falling behind when you're such a brilliant student, and you were doing so well at the start." Mr. Evens said. "You can get to class now Mina." Mr. Mackie said waving his hand to the big metal doors that Mr. Stan and I walked through earlier.

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